Unknown heart

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'Today is horrible' you thought, today was a royal calibration of the 10th realm. Which means as the future queen you have to go with someone. The thing is your single and none of the boys interest you in your home realm. Plus all your friends have someone and it would be horrible to go with family, you had no one to go with and Loki probably wouldn't leave your room. 

"What's wrong love?" 

"Loki you probably don't even care."

"What if I do." 

" Fine. Today is a huge celebration of my people and I have to have someone to go with me to a stupid ball. Which I have no one to go with because guys in the 10th realm aren't exciting and enough trouble."

"Hmm trouble?" (You blush because you didn't mean to say it to him) "I'll go with you love i am the God of mischief." 

"F f fine go get ready then." 

He leaves and you lock the door and grab your dress. It goes to your feet and has a little that drags behind you. It's plain white but on the back there's the symbol of dragoniods ,it's a curled up dragon that on all flags and symbols of the 10th realm. Also it has thick lines kind of like wind going to the dragon they have each color of your 8 powers but only 7 lines, the dress itself represents your light power. You brush your hair and let you wings show but then hide them when you hear a knock on the door. 


"Are you ready?" You were shocked that he was already ready knowing him and how long he can take. 

"Yeah." You walk out of the room and see Loki in a fancy suit with that scarf. (like in the avengers movie) He links his arm with yours and all you can do is blush because obviously you have a crush on him. You open a doorway portal and you both walk through it onto a red carpet outside the castle. Of corse Loki was looking around in amzment. "Is it better than Asgard's castle?" 

"Yes the kingdom is more than Asgard's too and it's very different here." 

"We do except different that's what our kind is all about no matter who you are as long as you aren't evil." You two walk inside where you saw the curent Queen on the throne. "Our queen met Odin before and it doesn't matter if he's not your dad because he raised you so shut up."  

"Fine I forgot your adopted too" 

"We'll be fine as long as we don't run into my dad." 


"Don't worry but kind of worry." You laugh at his confused face and walk to the queen. You introduced Loki to her and then you two left and went over to the tables, where all your friends are at. 

"You brought him?" Tech questioned you. 

"Yea deal with it." You laughed of course you two where playing around. 

"Hey your Laufey's second son right?" Frost asked Loki. 


"Hi bro I'm your younger brother." Frost said sarcastically. 

"Well this night is going well." You sad while Loki was just looking at Frost. Suddenly the last couples dance come on then you have to dance with Loki alone on the dance floor. Loki grabbed your hand gently and takes you to the dance floor. "Huh... Um what are we doing?" 

"Where going to dance." He stated clearly 

"I'm not good at dancing." 'Well that's a huge lie.' 

"You may be good at convincing others but not me." He took you and started to do a simple 1 2 3 step dance. Finally the last song comes on and everyone leaves the dance floor but you both. You both started dancing a different dance that was more show off, the lighting was perfect and there were so many colors. But unfortunately you saw your dad and everything was ruined. When the dance stopped everyone started to leave your dad came over to you both while your friends watched. 

"Who is he?" Your dad asked while his flame power made his hair turn into fire unfotinatly he was taller than Loki. 

"This is Loki he's a-" 

"I'm her boyfriend." You blush angry, embarssed, and shocked because of why Loki just said.

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