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"By the way, congratulations. I never knew Jin really liked women. He's so picky! He broke up wit--Oh I'm sorry, never mind. Congrats!" Amanda said, now sitting down on the chair across Jesse

Jesse couldn't help but think

Was the reflection on the mirror really reflecting HER - her?

Or was it another picture?

And who is the girl Jin broke up with? What was Amanda saying??


"Moved earlier? But why?!" Litz again, like for the third time, asked

Beatrice couldn't help but stand up from her seat and Jesse's mother stared at her daughter

"Yes, the wedding was moved earlier, I don't know why, but Jin said we're all ready and he just can't wait for the dead line or the turn over of the company." Jesse said, biting her lip

"So when will it be?" Her mom asked, stroking her forehead, and wiping her sweat

"last week of the month"

"And that's like, 10 days from now"

------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - WEDDING DAY

"Jesse, baby, are you sure about this?" Jesse's mother asked as Jesse bit her lip as the hair stylists do both their hairstyles.
Jesse wanted to curse - of course she wasn't sure. But want was different from her needs. She needed Jin to help Daniel live. She needed Jin. She didn't want it - for all they know, she just wanted Ash. 

 And Ash will still be there, in ther wedding. Standing and looking at her as she marries his brother. Being a gold digger he thinks she is.

But she erased the thought. She had to do it. She needs her brother - alive. Even trading hers with his.

"Everything...everything for Daniel"

"Jesse, good luck. I wish you all the best" Litz said, holding Jesse's hand tightly and letting go for Beatrice to tell her goodlucks to their best friend

"You look pretty, just smile. When the door opens, ready yourself for flash and cameras." Beatrice reminded, hugging her, and then leaving Jesse alone to go to their respective places on the wedding


Jesse's hand shivered, she can feel her knees tremble, her eyes watered, and the doors opened. There was no backing up now. She's got to walk, straight and to his direction. No one else's. Not even her mother, Litz, nor Beatrice...

She didn't move, recovering from the flash, lights, and the crowd

She smiled, her veil slightly hiding her trembling lips

I can do this

I will marry Jin Sy

Even if I love his brother

Because I love Daniel, I will do this.

I can do this

Jesse looked at Jin, smiling with her eyes wet, 

And Ash was there, just beside the guy Jesse was to marry

And Jin was there, looking at her eyes

And Ash was there with her taking his breath away

And I need him, but I love his brother

......."Do you, Jin Kei Sy, take Jesse Tan as your lawful wife?"

"I do"

..............."And do you, Jesse Tan, take Jin Kei Sy, as your lawful husband?"

I don't, but I would, and I don't want to, but I should

"I-I do."

...."I, Jin Kei Sy, will respect you, will take care of you, will grow with you and will love you until my last breath"

"And I, Jesse Tan, will care for you, love you, stay with you, be with you until my dying day"

until this contract ends

"You may kiss the bride"

Jesse stopped, looked, and gasped

She forgot everything about the kiss

Jin smiled, and pressed his lips on hers

Her eyes shut tightly

Their hands intertwined so tightly as if they were crushing each others'

and her tears flowing like never before

Take me, save my brother, I don't love you....yet I married you

even if I love your brother

----------------------------------AUTHOR'S NOTE

*I know I published it first with a draft. sorry, i was trying to update during class hours :)) 

*Thank you for giving effort in reading


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