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Jin tapped his finger on the glass case of the finest wedding rings while Jesse looked silently on the shimmering diamonds

''pick anything that suits you well'' he said as Jesse nodded,  still having a hard time to choose between the bolder and the shimmering ones

''Would you mind getting that for me, miss?'' She asked, fitting the finer of the two.

''A wedding?'' asked the saleslady. Jesse smiled meekly and nodded, ''what a beautiful couple. Oh,I remember my time" the older saleslady said reminiscing her own wedding experience

Jesse looked at Jin who was not at all listening.

"Ah--How much is it?" Jesse asked, "$1299"


"We'll take it" 

"B-But i Jin it's expensive"

"I am paying, remember?"

Uh, so arrogant! Only if ....UH


Jin stepped on the breaks as Jesse (always unready) almost injured her head on the window she's leaning on, unfortunately hitting her head soundly on it

Jesse slightly rubbed her fingers on her scalp then looked scornfully on the man who caused the pain.

"I'm leaving you here,  Amanda will take care of the rest." His voice again lingered

"Haaaist, always bossy. Jeez" Jesse stomped, getting out of the car and walked in the hotel

Ok, so why was I sent here? Anyone?

And who is Amanda

"Hi, you must be Jesse?" A tall woman in her 40's smiled at Jesse, towering her with her height

"Yes, are you by any chance....Amanda?"

"Yes, come, we'll be trying your look for the wedding" Amanda said leading her to a room


Eye shadows here, shoes there, mascara there, gowns here, hairpins over, blush on, lipstick there.
Jesse wasn't much of a girly-girl. She's just...Jesse.
Going out on a pair of closed shoes and jeans - nothing more. nothing less. She was too 'simple' to be Jin's wife - or Ash.

 Damned that Ash.

"THERE. PERFECT. Jin will be more than honored to show you to the people" Amanda said, finalizing Jesse's hair style

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