Dedication and Further Explanation

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Okay, first I'd like to explain that this story is dedicated to my close friend/beta (who doesn't have a wattpad account) and the approaching finale of Homestuck. That wonderful existence has been with us for so long and I'm such a late fan... Heck I still can't get into a proper conversation about it because I misinterpret things or I didn't understand what they're talking about so I have to reread!

Q - Q

But my point from that is I definitely won't go too much into the original plot and the personalities of many characters will be close to confusing. I have trouble managing things without jumping everywhere as dear beta who I partly dedicate this to tells me(as do a few others). If it still confuses you at the end, hey! That's me everyday with life. Though the most confusing part about this is the summary. Ugh, I don't want to change it but I don't want to add to it either...


This story wouldn't be interesting if interesting things weren't happening to the characters. In the end it's almost like a blame game where everyone is the victim and yet everyone's to blame, resulting in a very miserable and complicated outlook on the whole thing. Maybe this story isn't very good after all and it should be avoided?(Don't answer that) But look! Now the readers won't be the only ones confused during the entire... thing. It would be logical if you read this story with the reasoning that there is no main protagonist and the emotions won't be felt for too long, until they're replaced with some other gobbling loop.

(insert awkward laughter at attempted imagery)

Vriska will explain in the end and it'll just go from there like a reverse domino effect, because the ending will be happy! :D

No I don't have it done yet but I published this note anyway so I don't have to worry about it or look at it anymore. Also for anyone who sees this and wants to ask questions beforehand.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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