Chapter 2-Off To Town

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As we ate breakfast the girls talked about their field work, and I let them know that I was going into town. I told them that their lunch was in the fridge. We ate peacefully and then I did the dishes. I put away everything and made sure the girls were good. I sent them out to the field and locked the front door. I gave Autumn the key, seeing she is the oldest. I told the girls to have a good day and left for town.

I walked for half an hour to the town and went into city hall. They had me sign all the waivers, saying that I would be harvesting food, that I didn't need charity and that I could manage my own property. Just as I was leaving town, there was an announcement. It said that the releasing was starting in one week, three weeks earlier. I ran home to check on the girls.

I walked in our front gate and stumbled around the baskets of food. I waved hi to the girls and then started moving the baskets to the pantry. Now the average pantry has a few shelves, but ours is literally a whole room and everything is categorized by type. By the fullness of the room I figured we would be done harvesting in 10 days, three too many.

I ran outside and told the girls that we have to finish harvest in 5 days because the releasing started in a week. May asked me

" What is the releasing?" I replied

"The government releases bad animals through out the whole world. For 2 months we stay in the house because it it too dangerous to go outside. On the first day it's the worst because the rabid animals hang out around all houses, to look for victims. We will probably stay in the attic that whole first day." I hurried the girls along with their jobs and went out to the grain fields. We had barley, oats, mixed grains and wheat harvested. All that was left was the white wheat. I started to harvest it hurriedly.

We worked till dark and then ate a quick dinner and went to bed. The next morning we ate a quick breakfast and went out to the fields to work for the whole day, only stoping for quick bathroom breaks and a quick lunch. When it was dark we again went in for a quick dinner and went to bed. That was how it went for the rest of the week.

The day before the releasing we were done. We went inside and dug blankets and thick curtains out of the basement.

A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I have put up a chapter. Will try to publish more often. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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