"That's it! You get detention! After school till 5:45!"

"Damn new I should have stayed home." I mumble under my breath, but apparently it was loud enough for Lydia to reach over from behind and rub my shoulder.

"And wake up your friend before I give you both two weeks of detention." At that I slap Scott on the neck. It makes a pain full sound when skin meets skin. Scott shoots up with a red hand mark across his neck, and paper stuck to his cheek. "Who died?" He asks the turns to me and a big smile breaks across his face. I peel the paper off his face as he opens his mouth, "Dude when did you get here? You should have stayed home you played way too wild last night to be here."

I chuckle and place my hand on his shoulder giving it a little squeeze. "Thanks man so did you." With that we turn back to Mr.Grumpy Pants  himself and listen to a boring lesson. Before I give the teacher my full attention I make eye contact with Derek, he gives me this look that says "what-the-hell-were-you-thinking!" I snort and give him a wink, before I turn fully to the teacher.


The rest of the day goes by without a hitch. The rest of my teachers didn't care if I slept or talked during class. Lunch was full of laughs and jokes. And I even scared a kid in PE to throw up, so I could take him the the nurse.

But the moment I stepped foot into detention I knew everything would change. I sit for an two hours and forty-five minutes quietly doing my homework. Contrary to everyone's beliefs I am a smart kids and in four AP classes, also I can sit still(sometimes)(when I take my meds). When the detention bell rings I get up to move out the door, but feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Stiles you're a smart kid, but if you keep this dream up of wanting to be famous and play music the rest of your life, you're going to go no where. It's cool that you're talented, but I think it's time you pick a new dream. Just not as talented as everyone says you are. Getting your hopes up will only hurt you in the end. It's time to grow up." I didn't know I was holding my breath until I let it out when Mr. Harrison walked away. I feel anger boil inside of me.

I rush out the door and to my jeep before I could make a move to smash his head against the white board.


Jackson, Danny, Scott, Boyd and I are in my backyard practicing for Baseball, Cora and Erica are on the other side practicing for soccer. when we hear a car door slam. 

Moments later we see Stiles through an opening on the other side of the garage door. Stiles house has this cool garage where it goes all the through to his back yard.

From the look on his face I can tell he's pissed. I know Scott can see the same thing I do when we both say "Oh no." At the same time.

All four of us stand and watch as Stiles picks up his drumsticks and starts beating the drums. A hard and fast beat comes from the drums. You can feel the anger thought the mad beats. "Why is Stilinski so angry?" Erica asks as she and Cora comes over and stands with us.

"Most have happen in detention, because he was fine all day." Scott answers. Twenty minutes pass with angers beats before something happens. Stiles hits the drums so hard that one of his sticks breaks in half and flies out the door into his backyard.

What makes us step back is Stiles's scream of anger as he throws the other stick into the yard. He gets up from his stool and stocks over the his whole stick. He picks it up and stares at it for a few second before he snaps it in half.

"I think one of us should go talk to him....."
"NO!" Scott interrupts Danny. "Why not?"
"Because last time he was angry he punched Isaac in the face." I stare wide eyed at him. Stiles usually is such a touchy, feely, lovey person(at least when you get to know him). I have never seen him this angry. "At the time he wasn't even this mad just really irritated, so you never know what could happen." Scott says as we watch Stiles pull out a pack of cigarettes and lights one.

"Ep! He is really angry. He never smoked unless he can't handle his own mind." I turn from Stiles to Scott. "Really, I see him smoke on his roof like once a month." Cora states and Scott justs shrugs.

With an exhale of smoke Stiles shoulder drop and and walks back to the garage slower then when he came out. He pulls out two new sticks and begins to play a slower beat. The cigarette still hanging loosely between his lips.

"I wonder what Mr.Harrison did?" Jackson asks. We all nod our heads wondering the same thing.

Jackson, Danny, Boyd, Erica and Scott left two hours ago. From my knowledge Scott went to talk to Stiles. So to my surprise when I look across at Stiles window to see his white board say, "Want to come over?" I don't question it.

I just walk over and open the door without knocking and walk up to his room. Stiles dad is still at work, and Chinese take out sits on the table. When I walk through his bedroom door I find him laying on his bed with his arm over his face.

With a sigh I lay down next to him. Two seconds pass before Stiles turns over and pushes his head into my neck. We've been this close ever since his mother passing and my parents death. Always touching each other when we need to be grounded.

Turning I wrap my arms around him and bring his smaller body into a bear hug. We stay quiet for what feels like hours, but probably only a few minutes. We just breath in each other's smell relaxing into it.

When Stiles told me he was Bi I thought thing between us was going to be awkward and uncomfortable, but nothing changed. At the most we just grew closer.

"He told me my dreams were stupid and unrealistic, I wasn't good enough, and that I should get a new dream." He mumbles into my neck. I just hug him tighter to my body. I breath out a deep sigh against his hair. Stiles body shivers but I choose to ignore it.

"Your dreams will never be unrealistic. Never let anyone tell you any different. You are talented and smart and will go far in life no matter what path you choose." I pause as I feel something wet hit my neck. Realizing Stiles is crying I pull even tighter(if possible) into me, there is no space between us.

"Don't listen you a cranky old man who wishes he had done something better with his life. Stiles if you want to become famous and sing and play the drums for the rest of your life then you will. And if you decide you want to find the cure for cancer then you will. Never ever listen to the negative things people say to you. The best thing you can do is believe in yourself."

I feel Stiles wrapped his arms around my neck and mumble a thank you. His lips tickle my skin, and I can't help image what it would feel like to have him kiss there. Shaking the thought out of my head I close my eyes and breath in his scent. Calm, warm, and content everything is alright with Stiles I feel my eyes close. The last thing I remember is Stiles trying to scoot closer into my arms.


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