Double Trouble - Zayn x Liam x Niall

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"I'm so sorry, please, let me help you"

Niall said as he helped the brunette boy pick up his books that he had just dropped, due to Niall bumping into him.

"Oh God i-i'm so-so sor-"

the boy was cut off by the sound of a familiar Wolverhampton accent.

"It's fine, honestly, i wasn't watching where i was going"

Liam said as smiled at the blonde boy as they climbed back up to their feet.

"No no, it was my fault, i'm sorry"

Niall repeated, his hands becoming clammy with sweat.

"Niall, it's fine, i was the one running down here, it's my fault for being in a rush"

Liam said as he rubbed the arm of the boy and walked off. Niall just watched him, confused. You see, Liam was one of the popular kids, the very, very popular kids at Harrow School. He dated Zayn Malik, the captain of the school's football team, and probably the most attractive boy in the school, along with Liam himself. You had to respect them, and their sexuality and relationship, and the group of people they hung around with, or you'd probably be in A&E with a sore everything. But this, the way Liam had just treated Niall, one of the not-so-popular kids, who kept himself to himself, was different. When Liam had came running around the corner and up the corridor, Niall quite simply, shat himself. And when the brown haired boy fell to the ground after hitting Niall's body, he again, quite simply, shat himself.

As soon as Liam had fallen, books following shortly after, Niall instantly helped him up and apologized, the thought of getting a beating from him rising through his brain. But when Liam just let it go, and then walked off, it shocked him, a lot. Maybe Liam was different.

"What was all that about with that Neil kid earlier?"

Zayn asked his boyfriend, who was sat opposite him at the lunch table.

"It's Niall, and nothing, i just ran into him by accident"

Liam replied, placing a gummy bear into his lover's mouth.

"Why'd you run into him?"

Louis asked from next to Zayn.

"I was late for my lesson, and i was in a rush"

Liam replied, scanning his lunch as the two other boys, Louis and Zayn spent the rest of lunch eating and chatting.

The bell for last lesson rang, and everyone soon scrambled to their classes. Upon arriving at his science room, Liam noticed the familiar figure of Niall, who was currently talking to his mate Josh. The boy took his seat next to Luke, who instantly started going on about some random shit Liam couldn't care less about.

Ever since their morning encounter, Niall couldn't get Liam out his mind, and it was beginning to drive him mad. He'd never really seen the Wolverhampton man in that way before, seeing as if people found out, Zayn would not be happy. But anyway, he liked him. All Niall wanted to do was (bend him over the teachers desk and fuck him into the next school year) hold him tight and call him his own. Was it alright to feel this way about someone so quickly? Yeah. It was.

The day was soon over, and Niall couldn't believe his luck when he was coincidentally paired up with Liam for a project.

"So, Niall, you wanna come round mine tonight and get an early start?"

Liam asked as he packed is things away.

"Y-yeah, s-sure"

Niall replied, kicking himself mentally for sounding like such an idiot.

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