Part 8

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Myself, Fred and George had just made it on the train after being late this morning. I was very tired.

" Hey Shauna your hair is the same colour as the gem on your necklace." Fred said cheerfully as George yawned. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who's tired. I looked and both my hair and gem were grey. " What's it mean?"

" If it means the same as my hair then it's either boredom or tiredness." I yawned. I fell asleep soon after that. I felt someone gently shaking me.

" Shauna, Shauna wake up. We're almost at Hogsmeade." My eyes fluttered open and saw that George was very close to my face. I started blushing madly. 

" U-uh, alright I'll just go and change into my robes." I stuttered and got up and got my robes on. Soon the train came to a halt and we got off and headed to the carriages. I got in with Fred, George and Lee. " What are those things?" I asked no one in particular.

" They're called Thestrals." A dazed voice said. We all looked to our side and saw a younger girl with long blonde hair. 

" Hello I'm Shauna Black what's your name?"

 " Oh I know who you are. Everyone does I'm Luna Lovegood I'm in my second year." I she replied. I'm not quite sure how to respond to that.

" What are Thestrals? I don't see anything!" Lee said confused and Fred and George nodded in agreement.

" They're a sort of horse creature with wings. You can only see them if you've seen death." Luna replied.

" Oh. That's cheerful." Fred commented.

" I can see them too you know." Luna said towards me. " I saw my mother died when I was ten."

" I was with the Potters the night they died." I said quietly. The rest of the ride was spent in light chit chat. Once the sorting was over and we all began the feast. The topic of choice was how Ron and Harry flew to Hogwarts in the enchanted car.

" Hey guys did guys did you hear about-" Angelina started sitting opposite us next to Alicia and Lee.

" Yes!" We called.

" I can't believe they did it without us!" The twins sighed. The rest of the evening consisted of Fred and George moaning at Harry and Ron for not including them.

The next day after we got our timetables we went to DADA. I can't wait. Note the sarcasm. I usually love DADA in fact it's probably my favourite subjects. The downside to it this year was the fact that our new professor was Gilderoy Lockhart! I'm in for a long year! " Let me introduce your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Me!" Lockhart said entering the classroom from his office. I was sat up at the front beside George whilst Angelina and Alicia sat in the desk beside us and Lee and Fred were behind.

" Some-one-kill-me-now!" I said loudly in between hitting my head on the desk causing the boys in the class to laugh however most of the girls glared at me as they had odd crushes on this idiot. Lockhart looked at me weirdly but ignored me and continued shamelessly self-promoting himself.

" Now I have to prepare you for what's under this cloth. I must ask you not to scream you might ... PROVOKE THEM!" Then he quickly pulled off the cloth and revealed a cage full of Cornish Pixies.

" Ah no! Not Cornish Pixies!" I screamed and fell to the floor dramatically.

" Yes Miss Black they are indeed terrifying but you must control yourself." Lockhart told me.

" I think she's mocking you sir." George chuckled. Everyone in the class began slowly nodding their heads in agreement.

" Well Miss Black lets see how you deal with them outside of their cage." With that he opened up the cage and the pixies began to reek havoc. Every time one came near me I would hit it with my book whilst everyone else was running around screaming. Oh a pixie is pulling your hair big whoop! I could pull your hair if you like doubt you'd react like that. I looked towards the front of the class room and noticed that Lockhart was making a break for it. Pathetic.

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