getting help

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Eve p.o.v
We all new if we didn't get Ezekiel help fast he might not make it so I got stone to grab him which coused Ezekiel to moan out in pain but the sooner he was treted the better so we rushed him into the big table in the middle of the main room whil Cassandra ran to find the healing medican but we were loosing  him fast and just as she got back he went limp so we rushed and forced the Medican down his throte and hopeing for the best that's when jakeinns came in and just looked and Ezekiel and the medican and probly but two and two together and said that if he passed out before the medican was in him it would be a couple of hours intill he woke up so stone took him back up to his room and  said he should stay thare for when he wakes up which we agreed and everyone else was cleaning up the blood that had gotten into the table whil Ezekiel was there

Ezekiel p.o.v
I was awake when stone picked  me off of the ground and I was awake when Cassandra got set to get the medican then it all went black and I vagely remember something being forced down my throat but after that just nothingness and to be honest I thought I had died but no I started to here voices  that I recconsied but I still couldn't open my eyes so I just listend to what was going on around me and I found out that I had been about 2 hours since I lost concunace and that they had cought my dad which was good but I still couldn't open my eyes so I just listend

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