The Sakura Hill

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Again, it's a new beginning, a new fresh year. They always say a new year is like a new fresh start, which is maybe true?

"sigh.." You sigh. "New year means school.. Another boring year and day..." You said in awe and depress tone. But up until now, your classmate and teacher doesn't know that you were born with a kind of sickness. You gotta walk past the old boring path; the Sakura trees/hills to the school.

You walk and walk until you reach the school, opening the locker to change your shoe out to school shoe and walk to your classroom. Everyone as usual greeted you with a 'good morning's as you greet them back too. After that follow by the teacher who came into the classroom. "Okay, class, settle down."

Everyone all settle down and greeted the teacher good morning. "Ahem. Class." The teacher spoke. "Have you all completed your holiday homework?" All responded with a 'yes'. "Very good. Today we have a new transfer student." All whisper to themselves.

"A new transfer student...?" You mumbled. "I wonder who could it be." You blink as continuously looking straight at the teacher. "Okay, so..come in." Aoi slide open the door and walk in. "Ah!" You said out loud as you stood up, slamming the table.

"(L/N)* What was that for?" The teacher said to you. "Sorry..teacher.." You apologize and sat back down,looking down, blushing. 'I.. It's Shoutan! Yes!' "So.. I'm Aoi Shouta~ Nice to meet you all~" He bow.

"Okay, Shoutan, you will sit-" Before the teacher could finish, Aoi interrupted. "Could I sit beside her? Since the space is empty." He points to you. You by then had look back up again. 'Huh, me?' "Ehhhhh?!" The girls were saying that you are so lucky and everything because he is so cute and handsome.

"Alright, you may, Shouta." He thanked his teacher before walking to the seat beside you. "Nice to meet you." He said to you before giving off an angelic smile. "Y-yes.. Nice to meet you, Shouta-San." You try to avoid meeting face to face. "What's your name?"

"Um.. I'm (L/N)*/(F/N)**" "Such a nice name, can I call you (F/N)?" You nod. "Yes, you may." The bell rang for recess. Everyone bow and greeted the teacher. Few girls: "Ne, ne, Shouta-San, would you like to come and eat with us?" "I guess I pass, sorry~" The girls replied back in awe. "Aw..alright then..~" The girls walk away to the canteen.

Aoi then turn to you. "Ne~ (Y/N), may I go and eat with you?" "Eh? I guess it's fine..?" 'So he turn the girls down to eat with me? But why?' You stood up, took your lunch box as Aoi too took his lunch box. "Let's go, Shouta-San." He nod as both of you walk into the backyard.

-Time skip-

You and Aoi and found a spot and sat down on the grass patch-field, one hand holding the box and another the chopstick. "Ittadakimasu~" The both of you said as started to eat the food, while chatting away quietly.

Soon, the bell rang and finally by then both of you had finish the food. (Lunch boxes can always be wash later, isn't it? ;>) You both stood up and go and wash hands and to the classroom along with everyone. The same few girls came up to you both. "So you do wanna eat with her, Shouta-San? How lucky...~" One of the girls said. "I'm jealous~" Another teased. "..." Was all you gave before entering the class.

Aoi frown and enter the class as well. "Well, it's really nice talking to you, (Y/N)~" "Really? You think so? Hehe.. Thank you~" You smile slightly. He smile back. 'After all, I knew you.. Shoutan.. But I never expect you to turn up in my class...' You thought. 'I'm so lucky.. Maybe..' You look away and down.

"What's wrong?" Aoi look at you and ask. "Huh? It's nothing~ Sorry to make you worry, Shouta-San.." "No, it's alright." The teacher came in and usual all greeted. "Base on all of you all good performance, I will give a 20 minutes free period." The teacher said and everyone cheered. "Yay, we'll be getting 20 minutes free period~" Everyone is either talking/playing phone or sitting beside their friends while you are just here alone- not anymore. Aoi drag his seat to besides yours.

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