I Love Her Anyway

Start from the beginning

" Well practice tomorrow," Mike smiled. I nodded putting my guitar back in its case. We all exchanged numbers and left shortly after that.

I walked home happily, guys really know nothing.

" Where the hell have you been?! " Jinxx yelled as I walked in the door.

I froze as the whole band and several of their friends were there.

"Uh.. I went to a bar.. and met some guys.. " Ashley glared and his fist clenched as he stood up. "Um.. "

" You went and met some guys?! What happened to little miss innocence that refused to even go on a date with me?! " he shouted.

" It was a band audition!! I didn't realize that was illegal! " I shouted back.

"A band audition.." Jinxx asked standing up. I continued glaring at Ashley who looked shocked.

" Yes. Why do you think I have the guitar." I grumbled. They all noticed the guitar then and looked kinda surprised.

"Oh, heh yeah.. " Jinxx smiled shyly.

" I'm going to my room." I sighed and went to put my guitar away.

" I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have reacted like that." Ashley said walking into the room.

I sighed and turned to face him. " What do you want?"

" Same thing as earlier." he said and shuffled his feet.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "If I agree to one date will you leave me alone?"

He looked up at me with a huge smile. " So you'll go on a date with me?"

" A date. As in one and only one." I grumbled.

He somehow managed to get across the room and have his arms wrapped around me before I could blink. He spun me around laughing and them sat me down. " What the hell?" I gasped.

" Thank you! " he shouted and then pressed his lips to mine.

My eyes widened for a second as I tried to pull away. I gave in after a minute and kissed back. My hands tangled in his hair and he pulled me closer by my hips. His hands slid down and hooked behind my knees picking me up off the ground. I gasped and his tongue slid into my mouth as he layed me down on the bed.

" Ashley." I growled.

He pulled away and looked down at me confused. I shook my head and pushed him away. " I can't..."

I moved away and stood up glaring at him, "I said I would go on a date. Not fuck you. Especially not fuck you."

I straightened my shirt and left the room. "Jade."

"No Ashley." I muttered and continued.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back against him. " I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to get in your pants. I just, I'm used to girls just going with it. I've never been in this situation."

" This situation? " I scoffed. " You mean you've never been turned down. No one's ever denied the Purdy Perv." I yanked away from him.

" I've never been in love! " he yelled. I froze mid step and tried to make my heart start again. My breathing stopped and I just stood frozen.

" Don't say that." I finally choked out.

" Don't say it? What do you want me to say!? " he exclaimed and stalked towards me.

I spun around and glared at him" I don't know! Tell me you hate me, that you really do just want in my pants! Tell me anything just don't fucking say that! " I shouted.

I was aware that every one in the house was now at my back watching us.

" You want me to lie? " he asked looking hurt.

" I'm not getting my heart broken again. " I whispered. " Especially not by the Purdy perv." I turned and pushed past everyone and out the door.

I wasn't sure where I was going but after a few text it was decided I would be staying at the band house. I didn't have clothes since I just stormed out.

I knocked on the door and Mike answered. He let me in and I found the other three guys in the living room. I sat between Jimmy and Chris since Sam hates me.

" So let me get this straight, " Jimmy stared at me," The guy confessed he loved you, so you left..? "

I sighed," When you say it like that.. "

" Well it does sound stupid. Don't girls want guys to tell them they love them? And he's in a famous band, all fan girls want that." Sam glared.

" I'm not a fan girl." I growled. "Besides, I've had guys in the past tell me they loved me, I don't want that. Nothing good comes from love."

" What happened? " Chris asked and handed me a cup of coffee.

" I don't wanna talk about it." I sighed.

" We're a band, we need to know how to help you. " Mike said.

I sighed," At my last home there was a boy there. We were there for a few days and he said he loved me." I sighed and stared at my hands in my lap. "He raped, everyday for two months. He always said he loved me and then he would do it and threaten my life if I told." I didn't look up as I continued. " Before him there was a girl. I loved her with all of my heart. But she killed herself. She left. She did it on purpose." my hands clenched as I thought about it. I loved her and she left me.

I looked at the scars on my arms and sighed, "Where am I sleeping."

" You can have Sams room until we get the spare room cleaned." Mike said. They were brothers and I found it funny that Mike just ordered Sam around.

" What? Why my room? She can have yours." Sam glared.

" Sam don't be a douche just because she's an amazing guitarist." Jimmy laughed.

" How did you get so good anyways? " Chris asked.

" I'm an orphan, I have a lot of time on my hands." I shrugged.

" Hey, have you seen that movie, The Orphan or something like that." Jimmy asked.

I grinned as I looked at him. " Yes I have."

We talked and laughed a bit longer before I went to bed.

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