X-men fan fiction

Start from the beginning

Who was Logan? Who were they talking about? What was this Logan person doing at our home? I’d never seen him around.

Logan murmured something; my dad’s eyes were wide with horror.

“You will not do that, Logan. She’s just a human, don't give up everything for her”, my dad was saying.

“She’s not just a ‘human’, Rob. I love her; I’d do anything for her. And you know she’d do anything and everything for me too.” He cut off my dad.

“She’s a human! “, my dad screamed,” they’re selfish and don't care for anything but themselves and you know it.”

The other person was shaking, probably with anger. My dad was the reason he was angry. Humans? Why was talking that way? All of us are humans, unless we’re Martians disguised as humans because of the advanced technology at our home planet. I doubt that. And that’s when I saw it. I understood what my dad was talking about.

Logan’s fists were shaking and slowly, the most unexpected thing happened. From both of his hands, three blades were coming out of between the knuckles. They were long, shiny and without any doubt sharp. I couldn't believe it. How was this possible? What WAS he??

In an instant, he was straddling my dad. The point of the blades placed only a few centimeters away from his skin. My dad eyed the blades, “Do. Not. Talk. Shit. About. Her. Ever”, Logan said gritting his teeth.

“You know it's the truth”, my dad said not changing his words.

Baring his teeth, Logan brought this fist up. I knew what was about to come. I wouldn't have been scared if it was only his fist but the blades that had sprouted from between his knuckles scared the shit out of me.

He brought his hands down and before I knew it, I was screaming my lungs out.

I shot up from my bed, still screaming my lungs out. As soon as I realized that it was just a dream, I stopped screaming. Beads of sweat were rolling down from my head. Even my hands were sweaty, as I was rubbing my hands on my pants I heard my stomach rumbling loudly. I guess that’s what you get for not eating anything.

I make my way downstairs, no one seemed to be around. Maybe they were outside in the garden. I walk into the kitchen and start to search the cabinets for something to eat. There was nothing, almost half of them were full of dishes. The food was most probably locked away in the pantry but one could always hope. From the corner of my eyes I notice it at the top of the cupboards. Fruit loops. Though I don't like it, I guess I have to make it work. I stretch my hands to take it. But, the problem was that I was short. I was about 5’1”, kind of short for my age, I think. Both Anna and Melissa were taller than 5’9”. You can imagine how much of a dwarf I looked like in front of them. Even though I was standing on the tip of my toes, I barely reached the cereal box. Damn me and my shortness and the one who built the cupboards too high. They probably thought it’d be fun to trouble the kids or they didn't think that anyone would be small. Damn them, the rumbling of my stomach was getting louder.

I look around and I see a chair. I go to get it, as I bring it back near the cupboard, I stop. How was this possible? The cereal box was floating in mid air. I drop the chair and as I walk towards it, I stick out my hand just below the box. Nothing. I don't know what I was expecting. A hand? A string? I look around to see if someone was trying to make fun of me. I stick out my hand again, nothing. There was nothing, only air. Well, I guess this is how you feel when you watch a live Chris Angel show. I was freaking out not knowing what was happening. Suddenly it dropped right in my hands. I didn't know what to do. My throat had gone dry, not a single sound coming out.

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