Day 11.

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The next day, Idina woke earlier than normal, she was smiling, tracing her lips with her thumb, the memories of the previous night came flying to her head, it was hunting her, after that She and James walked to the rooms, he told her to take his room while he was sleeping in one of the guests rooms, since she didn't bring a pajamas she used one of his shirts and a pair of clean boxers, everything smells to him, she hugged her body just to imagine that it was him who is hugging she.
Idina walks to the bathroom, she was brushing her teeth and her hair, and the flashback of the make out session with James that take place the previous night make her blushed of embarrassment.

After her bathroom routine, she walked to the bedroom where James was sleeping, she opened the door and there was him, laying in bed, just in boxers, looking like a greek god, handsome as always, she closed the door leaving a little space, and walked to the kitchen, there found two woman's in maid outfits, they smiled and greeted Idina.

"Hi! My name is Idina, I'm with James!, is so nice to meet you"
"Our pleasure Miss. Idina, did you need something?"
"In fact! Yes!... James is sleeping and I was thinking of bring the breakfast to his room, is that ok?"
"Whatever you want is ok, for us, Miss... Let's see... We have fruit, yogurt light, cereal... But we can cook whatever you want"
"Mmm... Have orange Juice?"
"could you please serve two glasses of juice, coffee, tea, two bowls of yogurt, one of cereal, a bowl of fruit, bacon, omelet cheese and two waffles with honey and whipped cream?"
"Ok! Miss. We are gonna take everything ready in 15 min. It's that ok?"
"Yes! I can help!" Idina said and take the bowl for the yogurt.
15 minutes later everything was ready and placed on the breakfast tray.

The maids put the tray in a little elevator and Idina walked to the bedroom, when she was upstairs, she took the stray off the elevator and walked to the guest room, James was still sleeping, she walked in and placed the tray in the edge of the bed, she leaned to his ear.

"James, Wake up! Breakfast is ready!"
He stretched his arms slightly and opened his eyes, the most beautiful woman that his eyes have seen was in front of him, looking cute and innocent more than ever, he Immediately smiled and sat on the bed, She walked to the bed edge where the tray was and placed it in his lap, and then she sat opposite him.
"Do you like it?"
"Yeah! Thank you so much for this Idina!"
"My pleasure! Let's eat, we need to go to see my parents"
"Yeah... Btw that shirt looks awesome in you" James said smirking and he took one of the forks and started with the fruit, Idina blushed a little bit, and she took the other fork and started with the waffles.

After breakfast they took showers and made their way downstairs, he carried her on his back, like a horse. They were smiling and laughing, after put the rest of the bags in his car, they said goodbye to the maids and started driving to Idina's parents house.

"I'm warning you, my mother house in a little small compared with yours, and maybe is a little dirty, she don't have maids and my sister is a little floppy, but I love it, and My dad house, well... Is an apartment, since my sister lives with my mom and when I left, he live alone... I don't know what to expect for him, but he was always a great cleaned person so I think is ok".
"You lived with your dad and your sister with your mom?"
"Yeah! It was like an agreement, in the beginning Cara and I, lived with my mom and we saw our dad every weekend, but after a year I decided to live with my dad and my sister stay with mom, I don't know, but I feel more attached with my dad, he is my super hero, he always cared for me, for my education, he was the one who told me to follow my dreams, my mother want me to be a teacher or something like that but I love sing and act, and my dad where there always for me, supporting me in everything"
"Interesting... But I guess everything will be ok, and I'm pretty sure they will love me, I'm so charming, even you love me".
"In your dreams Snyder! In your dreams!"
"Yeah sure! Keep telling you that lie"

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