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Stretching my arms out, yet to open my eyes to the harsh reality of the morning sun, I snaked my arm over the stomach of the warm, still body next to me. Only as I ran my hand further up his torso, feeling a much different body than what I was used to waking up next to Sal, I immediately shot up in my bed, clasping the bed sheet to cover my exposed chest.

I looked over, seeing the back of a head with a thick amount of shaggy hair laying on the pillow, before I noticed the tattoo.... That stupid, stupid tattoo.

As soon as I focused myself on Q, I began having slight recollection of the events of last night. But us sleeping together, could that really have been one of them? The question that was, why am I completely nude, was one of which that I could not answer. My mind was still partially hazy.

Collecting my scattered clothes off the floor beside my bed, a shining piece of material caught my eye. It was an empty condom wrapper. Of course it was an empty condom wrapper. As soon as I finally had a steady boyfriend, I would be the one to blow that entirely and sleep with his best friend.

Kneeling on the floor, I heard Q roll over in the bed, groaning slightly as he stretched.

"What the fuck happened last night?" He moaned, sounding in physical pain.

Maybe he remembered less of last night than I did? And if that was the case, then he would barely remember us sleeping together just as much as I did. If I hadn't found that condom wrapper, then maybe I wouldn't have ever known if it had even happened myself.

I slipped my hand along the carpet, gripping the condom wrapper into my hand and sliding it into the pocket of the pants that I had a hold of in my hand, before sliding them on. I threw my shirt on and stood up, turning around so that I was facing Q who was laid under the covers, looking like a complete mess.

"We got insanely intoxicated, is what happened last night." I forced a chuckle, hoping that he would think nothing out of the ordinary. If you called waking up naked in your best friends girlfriends bed ordinary, that is.

"I don't want to alarm you, but do you know where my clothes are?" He threw an awkward laugh back. I bent down grabbing a hold of the shirt that laid before me, throwing it onto his lap before doing the same with his underwear and pants.

"I'm so glad that I don't remember the story of how you got completely stark naked" I lied, testing the waters to see if he would recall the actual events of last night.

"Me neither. It's still not the weirdest story I have about waking up naked, however. But that'll be a story to tell when it's too late for you to back out of the friendship." He laughed once more.

"I'll give you some privacy." I smiled before I stepped out of the bedroom, making my way into my kitchen, disposing of the empty condom wrapper into the bin. I couldn't believe that I had let this happen. Especially with someone so close to Sal. He would trust Q with his life, heck, he would probably even trust me with it too. So for us to both betray him in such a way was so completely awful. He wasn't a bad guy at all. The only complaint that I had ever had about him or our relationship was the lack of spice in our sex life. But could I really be that easily lead just for one night of sex that could actually satisfy me?

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when Q walked through the door, hair looking more disheveled than ever.

"How are you making being awake look so easy?" He grumbled as he sat at the table. Truth is, I was just as hungover as him. But the adrenaline from the panic of last nights little scenario was the only thing keeping me from hiding in my bed all day.

"Trust me, I'm dying on the inside." Literally, he had no idea. "Do you want some breakfast?" I asked, kind of hoping that he would stick around. Maybe it was my paranoia that wanted to keep him close, in case he were to remember anything else. But I wouldn't feel too worried if he were to leave, because he would always come to me first before telling Sal if he just so happened to remember anything else.

"I'd love something to ease the pain on this." He said, rubbing his fingers on his temples. I reached for the cupboard, pulling out some aspirins and pouring a glass of water, placing it onto the table in front of him.

"French toast sound good?" I smiled down at him as he looked up through popping a pill out of the packet.

"It's like you read my mind." He said, placing the pill onto his tongue before washing it down with the water.

"Good." I smiled back, turning around to gather everything that I needed.

Finishing the last few bites of our meals, Q announced that he should be leaving to get home and feed his cats. Much to my relief knowing that he wasn't going into work, hanging around with the friend he and I had completely fucked over last night.

"Uh.. April?" Q called from the front door.

"Yeah?" I replied as I walked up to where he was standing.

"I now realize that I obviously wouldn't have drove here last night... But do you know where the hell my car is?" He ran his hands through his hair, before replacing his cap back onto his head.

I wish I could have forgotten that we had hooked up as easily as I had forgotten where his car was, because I honestly had no clue where he had parked it in the first place.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" I asked, laughing at the situation.

"I mean sure, yeah." He laughed too, yet sounded slightly frustrated. "But if you happen to figure out the whereabouts.. You should probably let me know. I have work tomorrow."

I grabbed the keys for my car from the kitchen counter, before following Q to my car parked outside of the building.

Making the drive over the bridge to Staten Island, the car journey was a very calm and quiet one at that. This was the first time that we had been around the other without alcohol playing a main role, so there definitely was a twinge of awkwardnes in the air.

"So.. I have to ask this.." Q started as we pulled up outside of his house.

"Go on.." I said, beginning to feel nervous.

"You.. I... You, when you woke up, you didn't.. I mean, you were clothed.. Right?" He stammered.

"Me? Of course I was, are you kidding!" I forced a laugh. "You were the only one that decided stripping was a good idea, I'm afraid."

"Oh really.." He said, still sitting in the passengers seat.

"What?" I asked back, his reaction confusing me.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just completely blank from last night. I can't even remember one detail." He smirked before opening his car door and stepping out. He turned around, bending over, popping his head back into the car. "Thanks for the ride. If you see my car... You know the drill." He said, before tapping the roof of the car, shutting the door shortly after.

I needed to revalute the seriousness of what had happened last night, because it definitely seemed like it would only be a matter of time before Q remembered. Do I tell Sal? Or do I wait for Q to remember and pretend that I had forgotten the whole time? I didn't know what to do. All I did know was that just because he doesn't remember it happening.. doesn't meant that it didn't happen, and I had to stop acting like that was the case.

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