2: Breakfast Time

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Outside, Prince Charles is greeted by the rays of the rising sun. The streets of London were already busy as people started their lives early. Papers, journals and magazines updated in a newspaper stand. First day of the week, Monday. Buses, taxis and cars start to fill in the roads. Some prefer bicycles or motorcycles. Lucky for Prince, the school is just ten minutes or less with brisk walking. He still got time to eat breakfast.

He popped in the Francesca this time. The smell of Italian food is undeniably irresistible.

There are still few people in the restaurant

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There are still few people in the restaurant. Ordering wouldn't take time.

"One single espresso," Prince said to the female cashier. After paying, he looked around. He saw a redhead lady sitting alone by the corner.

She has a curly hair up to her back and he noticed a black coat over her shoulders. She is wearing a white tube dress. Without further thinking, Prince Charles approached the woman after taking his hot cup of coffee.

The lady is looking by the window when Prince asks her.
"Hello ~ May I seat with you?"

Prince has this manner of friendliness wherever he goes, especially to women. And having business related soon to be work, he begin studying about profiling on his own. He wanted to study people, as clients or friends and know how to socialize with them without prying too much of their personal lives for it may be rude for some. He knows he somehow fails at that point but still, he continued.

The female turns to Prince. Her hazel eyes gave him a fretful look but gave no answer so Prince took it as a yes.

From the looks, natural red hair, fair skin and amber colored eyes combination, he concluded she was of Scottish origin. If you have seen Disney's animated movie entitled 'Brave', the protagonist named Merida there is an example.

Aside from that, Prince Charles is half Scottish and half British so he knows some of the basic traits.

He seats across the lady and gave him a consistent smile. It's that time again to test his social skills.
The woman looks down at her plate of lasagna, twinging her fork over it.

"Awright ya?" Prince chose his native tongue to confirm she's the same as what he thought she'd be. He knows he's bothering her but he can't let a day without making someone okay.

The lady soon muffled a chuckle, keeping her head low and sight on the food.
"Th' scran jist makes me fat..."
(The food just makes me fat.)
She groaned.

One point for Charles. He is able to shift her distraught to blithe plus he was right about her being a Scottie.

"Oh...ye knoo Ah can gie ye some vegetariano insteid...yoo jist weit he'e.."
(Oh...you know I can get you some vegetariano instead...you just wait here..)

A vegetariano is a pizza topped with tomato sauce, red onions, mushroom, roasted red peppers and mozzarella.

The lady finally looked up to him and her face beamed in delight.
"Uh..Ah wood loch tae but nae, thenk-"
(Uh..I would like to but no, thank-)

"Ah insist ~"
(I insist ~)

Prince stood up and suddenly turned when he bumped into someone, making his coffee spill into his own shirt. It was a guy.
It's a mistake to keep ahold of his cup as he go. He must be out of his mind focusing on his own agenda to liven the lady's mood.

"Why you-" Prince's initial reaction is anger. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Watch it buddy"
The man spoke in a low flat voice.
He is taller than Prince's 5'7 height. The guy's about 6 feet. He wears a black body fit shirt and navy blue jeans and civil dark brown derby shoes.

Prince Charles soon turned speechless after seeing the man's slate gray eyes.

Prince Charles soon turned speechless after seeing the man's slate gray eyes

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Was it the way he looks? No. No. Definitely no.
Prince never been starstruck to a man, moreover, he acclaim himself as straight for over the past years of his life. Well, that's the way he was raised. His rage vaporizes just by looking at the man in the eye. There is something peculiar in this feeling. He shook away the thought of liking a fellow guy or falling into one.

The time seemed to stop just by thinking about it. He snapped back to reality when the man spoke again.

"Are you flirting with my girl?"
The taller man leans closer to Prince's face.
Their faces only inches apart.

Prince Charles took a gulp. They're eye to eye.
The awkward moment made the shorter man withdraw aback and slowly turned to the lady he talked to before. The redhead formed the words 'sorry' on her lips silently.

"I, uh, s-should go..."

Prince Charles rushed out of the restaurant with his cup on right hand and his bag on the other, blushing out of embarrassment. He had no choice but to go back to his apartment and change his clothes. He drinks out his half emptied cup before throwing it on a garbage he'd pass by.

"What was I thinking... You're so stupid, Prince.." he thought as he lightly banged his head on the room's door after closing it.

He removed his suit then unbuttoned his top. He started scanning for another shirt.

"Damn...if I didn't pryed too much, this wouldn't have happened..."

He replaced his top with a v-neck gray and black long sleeve slim fit shirt.

He replaced his top with a v-neck gray and black long sleeve slim fit shirt

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Bell rings in the school. Looking at his digital clock, he is definitely late.

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