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Hermione's POV

It's been 4 months since the war. After the war, I started looking for my parents and tried to give their memories back. But the spell 'Obliviate' was strong, I couldn't give them back.

So now, they are living a good life in Australia. They have money, a good business and adopted a baby girl named Hermione.

I found myself looking through the pictures of me and my parents again. I was alone, Harry and Ron are going through Auror-training, Ginny is at the Burrow, Luna and Neville are looking at Nargles.

Then, I saw a box I've never seen before. It was the oldest box there, coated in dust. I opened it and found adoption papers and a letter. What is an adoption paper doing here? I thought.

I starts reading the letter. It said :

Our dearest daughter,

If you are reading this, then the Grangers have already told you that you are adopted. We're sorry we had to give you away, even though we could turn back time to when we gave you up we wouldn't because it has kept you safe. When you go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you might meet your twin brother. But, he won't recognize you because we put a 'Glamor Charm' on you. When you read this letter it will notify us that you are safe and we will come to take you. We hope the Grangers give you the love we weren't able to give you and care for you. We love you!

V.Z. , C.Z. , B.Z.

Many emotions swirled around me, but I had no time to contemplate. After reading this, an owl appeared by the window with a letter. I took the letter, gave it some treats and it flew away.

When it flew away I opened the letter and it read :

Our dearest daughter,

We will be picking you up in 30 minutes.

V.Z. , C.Z . , B.Z.

I quickly changed blue pants, a white blouse and a pair of maroon Converse.

After changing, the doorbell rang signaling my family is already here. I ran downstairs and opened the door and there stood the person I least expected. Blaise Zabini, my enemy's best friend, is standing in my front door wearing a white button up shirt, black pants and a pair of black and white Converse.

"Hey Granger" Blaise said.

"Hey, come in" I say trying to not grit my teeth.

He walked in together with what I'm guessing are his parents.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"My parents said that we needed to pick someone up." Blaise replied.

"Well, I'm the only one here." I said.

"The person we need to pick up her is you, dear. You are our daughter". Blaise's mother said.

"WHAT?" I shouted.

"I am Violet, your mother. This is Carlos, your father. And Blaise, your twin brother." She said. "Have you read the letter?"


"Well, the initials there are our initials."

"Why did you give me up?" I asked.

"Because You-Know-Who was on a killing spree that time. Whenever a death eater gives birth to a baby girl he will kill them. So we were at the Caribbean when you two were born so I manage to hide you and and give you to the Grangers,"my mother said tearing up.

"Would you like to live with us at Zabini manor?" My father asked.

I thought for a while. "Of course and was my name really Hermione or something else?"I replied .

"Great, Blaise why don't you help you sister pack, only personal belongings are needed. You have clothes at the manor that will magically fit on you. Oh, and your birth name is Isabel Leia Zabini" she said.

Blaise complied. We went upstairs and started packing.

As I was packing, Blaise started speaking. "Isabel, I'm sorry for calling you names and everything I've done" Blaise said apologetically.

"Blaise it's okay, past is past, we all move on." I replied, smiling assuredly.

"Thanks," he said, relieved. When I finished we went back downstairs and apparated to Zabini Manor.

Hey guys!

Hey guys! I will dedicate a chapter I write to a person.
So if you want a chapter dedicated to you just vote or comment. And I need a cover so please help me make a cover.
And please don't be to hard on me this is just the first time I am writing.

So this chapter is dedicated to OpalPhoenix  


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