Chapter 14

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-Nick’s POV-

I woke feeling low and my head pounding, I opened my eyes blinking a few times willing my vision to focus before realizing I was alone in bed, and…naked. Oh shit. I racked my brain trying to remember last night’s events but couldn’t remember much of anything past my second shot of tequila. How much did I drink last night? Where the hell was Jen…where the hell are my pants….

“Mornin’ stud” Jen’s voice rang out from the bathroom jolting me out of my long string of internal questioning.

“What time is it?” I questioned sitting up and adjusting the cover in my lap. Seriously…where were my pants?

“Early,” Jen said drying her hair with a towel. “I felt so dirty after last night I had to get up and take a shower.”

“Dirty?” I questioned hesitantly. Not that there was need for her to explain, I was drawing a pretty good conclusion.

Jen sat down beside me and cocked a brow. “Do you remember what happened last night?”

I sighed rubbing the back of my neck. “I don’t really remember anything past that second shot,” I admitted, “But gaging from my lack of pants, I can take a pretty good guess.”

Jen giggled smiling slyly. “You were out of control,” she said, “Tequila makes you feisty.” Dammit! It wasn’t supposed to happen like this, I was supposed to wait. I had no doubt that my first time would be with Jen but I was hoping that we would be married…and preferably that  I could remember it…fuck me, Jose Cuervo is the Devil.

(Jen’s POV)

I sat there for a moment enjoying the mental reprimand that Nick was undoubtedly giving himself until I saw him start to bite his lower lip, one of Nick’s tells when it comes to stress, I had played it off long enough. “Breathe Nicky,” I said nudging him playfully “Nothing happened.”

Nick looked up at me, a look of both utter confusion and relief across his face. “But…my pants…and…you being dirty….” He said hoping to answer some of the questions in his head.

“You were drunk and I told you I was getting you to bed, you apparently assumed that meant you were getting lucky because the next thing I knew you were butt-ass naked and passed out on the bed.” I explained remembering the previous night’s events. “I slept on the floor, which is why I felt so dirty.”

Nick chuckled, his face turning red with embarrassment. “Babe, I’m so sorry, CLEARLY I drank way too much.”

“It’s fine,” I assured him. “Tequila makes your clothes fall off, I get it, I’ve been there.” Nick cocked his brow.

“Did I do anything else stupid I should be aware of?” He questioned.

“Besides professing your undying love to me, Joe, and almost Molly…you were pretty mellow.” I said with a giggle as Nick cupped his face in his hands his cheeks turning a dark pink.

“I’m so sorry babe, I feel so bad that you had to sleep on the floor.” He said rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled and leaned over kissing him on the forehead.

“You can make it up to me by buying me breakfast, I am starving” I said grabbing his pants off the ground and tossing them to him. Nick smiled.

    He got dressed, with my back turned. Sure I had seen most of him already, but I had wasn’t gonna invade his privacy. I waited for a moment, hearing him get dressed, before I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

    “Ten minutes,” he whispered, kissing my neck, “I’ll get my teeth brushed, check my sugars and we can go.” I sighed, turning to face him. I kissed his cheek and let him take car of business. We finished getting ready and we packed our bags, taking them down to the G Wagon, only to see Joe pressing Molly against the side of it, their tongues down each others throats. I giggled, holding Nick’s hand in mine.

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