“He wants us to come over, said it’s important,” Nick said moving to roll onto his back. I sighed and stood from the bed straightening out my clothes and grabbing my hotel key.

“So let’s go,” I suggested. He nodded at his jeans and smirked.

“Give me a moment,” he chuckled.


We walked back into our hotel room to find Joe watching TV and checking his watch.

“What’s up?” I asked confused “Where’s Molly?”

“She went on an alcohol and ice run,” Joe said with a smile.

“What was so important?” Nick questioned sitting down on the bed next to Joe.

“We are celebrating,” Joe said proudly.

Nick cocked a brow, “I was already celebrating till you called and interrupted, thanks for that by the way.” Joe smirked.

“What are we celebrating exactly?” I questioned.

“Molls apparently kicked Kat’s butt,” Joe said with a shrug. HELL YEA...I love Molly, God bless her hot temper and zero tolerance for bullshit.

 “Are you serious?” Nick asked smirking in satisfaction.

“Yup, she was all fired up when she made it back here,” Joe said “apparently she overheard Kat talking on the phone with Emily…and Kat said how she should have taken a page from Emily’s book  months ago and gotten another boyfriend on the side.”

Nick’s brows knit together in anger. “Emily was cheating on you for months?”

“Sounds like it,” Joe said, “Apparently, according to Kat, to relieve sexual tension.”

“Why are you not more upset?” I questioned confused, “You just found out that the girl you have been exclusively dating forever was not exclusively dating you, not only that, she was apparently relieving sexual tension with him…that doesn’t bother you?”

“It probably should” Joe said shrugging his shoulders, “but honestly, I could care less who she was reliving sexual tension with, I have Molls, and I don’t have to deal with Emily’s clingy, spoiled, apparently skanky ass anymore so I am calling it a win/win.”

“I’ll drink to that!” Nick said wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my temple as Molly walked in the room carrying a large brown paper bag and a bucket of ice.

“Who is ready to celebrate?” Molly said setting the bag down and pulling out a bottle of tequila and a bottle of whiskey. Oh geez… Nick,Jose,and Jack…the three men that make me want to take my clothes off…celebration indeed.

(Jen’s POV)

“I love you,” Nick slurred before taking his fourth shot of tequila. Which I must say is ENTIRELY too much alcohol for someone who doesn’t normally drink, especially when paired with the Jack and diet he was already sipping out of the standard provided foam cup from the room. “I do…I really do…I love you…I love you and I don’t care…I don’t care who knows it…’cause I do.” Molly busted out into a fit of giggles, clearly also feeling the effects of the tequila.

“I love you too babe,” I said running my fingers through the loose curls hanging down the front of his forehead. Never in a million years would I have pegged Nick as an ‘I love you’ drunk, let’s be real, he is a man of little words.

“youuuuuuu ….you’re like drivin’ on a Sunday… youuuuuu…you’re like taking off on Monday….youuuu…you’re like a dream, a dream come true…,” Nick shamelessly belted his own lyrics off key as he sat on the edge of the bed, “I’m just trying to be honest with myself…with you…with the world.”

“OK, I think you have had enough,” I said grabbing the cup from his hand and setting it on the table.

“It’s not the alcohol, itssme, I just love you…okay?” Nick slurred.

“Okay” I said leaning down and giving him a peck on the lips that sent him falling backwards onto the bed. Joe chuckled and took another shot. I cocked a brow in his direction. "Shouldn’t this be the other way around? Shouldn’t you be the talkative drunk?” I would have bet money that Joe would be the wild one, but no, he was a good five shots in and sitting quietly taking in the Nick J show.

“Dude…Joe,” Nick said tugging at Joe’s pant leg as he laid on the bed, “hey Joe…Joey…Joseph…”

“What?” Joe said breaking a kiss with Molly to respond the Nick’s persistent nagging.

“I love you “ he said bringing on another fit of giggles from Molly.

“Love you too man,” Joe said before scooping Molly’s lips back into a kiss.

“No, I mean I do, I love you, ok?” Nick said pulling on Joe’s pant leg again.

“OK” Joe mumbled between kisses.

“I got you, OK?” Nick added.

“OK,” Joe again mumbled before moving his lips to Molly’s neck.

“Hey Molls….” Nick started.

“Alright,” I said interrupting before Nick could start his next profession of love “I think you two should probably go.”

“Hey…hi,” Nick slurred “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting you in bed,” I said taking one last shot. I sly smirk spread across his face.

“Ooooh, okie” he said pulling me into his lap. I rolled my eyes and Molly and Joe stood from the bed drunkenly shuffling to the door, lips still practically attached. I hopped off Nick’s lap to open up the door.

“Have fun with that,” Molly said giggling as she pulled Joe out the door by his shirt.

“Thanks,” I said sarcastically before closing the door and setting the lock. I turned back to Nick to see him butt ass naked, face down on the bed, passed out asleep. I chuckled, pulled a blanket over him, then went to take a shower. I kissed his forehead good night before  crawling onto the floor, seeing as how Nick was sprawled out on the bed and there was no room for me.

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