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Imagine moving to Mystic Falls with your dad, and while going on your nightly jog, you bump into Damon Salvatore.

Firstly, your parents getting a divorce was not something you had expected.

Secondly, you didn't expect moving with your father to a completely new place.

Thirdly, what the fuck kind of name is Mystic Falls?

The past year had been a complete and utter hard one for you. Your parents, after being married for twenty years (one before you were born), decided to get a divorce. Well, more like your mother decided to sleep with her teachers assistant. Your grandma had passed away because of old age, and you got into a huge fight with your closest friend.

It was officially the second day of living here. Surprisingly, you liked the town so far, even for it's odd name (it reminded you of some scary movie town.) You had met three of your neighbors, your favorite being the little lady across the street because she reminded you of your grandma, the little old ladies daughter that takes care of her, and the neighbor in the house to your left, Mandy.

Earlier today after helping your dad, you had gotten a little bit of your bedroom unpacked. You were able to find your workout clothes inside one of the boxes.

You told your dad that you were just going to go jogging and get a feel for the town. He told you to be careful and being your phone with you just in case you got lost.

You put in one of your headphones in to listen to music and then you started jogging. You were paying attention to the street names every time you passed them and built a mental map in your head of where to go.

You started jogging down a slightly longer road that looked like it was in the middle of a forest because there was trees on both sides. Alright, finish this street and then head back home.

You fell in love with the street. It was calm and peaceful, it made you want to stay longer. You found the trees around it beautiful. The moonlight illuminated most of the road for you, so that was a good thing as well. You made a mental note to run on this street when you could.

As you were jogging, you noticed a person laying right in the middle of the street.

What the hell is he doing in the middle of the street, nonetheless laying in it at night.

You slowed down and slowly walked over to him to see if everything was alright. I probably shouldn't even do this, he could be crazy.

"Hey, is everything okay there?" You asked when you were only a few feet away. Was that a bottle of liquor in his hand? The man turned his head towards you.

He was handsome, no doubt about that. Black hair, blue eyes, nice jaw line and cheekbones. . .

The man simply chuckled at you. "Hasn't your parents ever told you not to talk to strangers?" He slowly sat up and stared at you.

"Well, they have. I just wanted to check and make sure if you were okay. Are you?" You just stood there looking back at him.

He sighed. "Guess you could say that it's been a bad century."

You laughed quietly at what he said. "Feels like that for me as well." You went to go sit down by him. The two of you were sat down now, just two feet between you two.

"What's up with you?" He asked with his brow furrowed staring dead at you.

You suddenly felt this odd want to answer his question. "What's not up with me right now is the question?" You sighed. "My parents just got divorced, my grandma died, my best friend and I had a huge argument, and I had to move."

"Seems crappy." He commented.

"Oh, I know." You rolled your eyes. "So, crazy man laying in the road. . . what's up with you?"

"I never get the girl." He said and pushed hair left hand through his hair. "My brother, he'll always be the better one. They all expect me to be someone I'm not. To be better than who I am. I however, am just a monster. I'm the villain."

You were taken aback by this confession. "Well, right now you seem like a good person." You cracked a smile at him. "What's your name, stranger?"

He smirked at you and raised the bottle. "I only seem good right now because I'm drunk. This strangers name is Damon Salvatore. What about you, little girl?"

"Y/F/N Y/L/N. Oh, and I'm not that young."

"I beg to differ."

I'm sure I could sit here a little longer. . . You thought to yourself.

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