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How do you guys feel about people shipping Yui with you. ~angelprincess21

Reiji: To be honest I could care less.

Ayato: Pancake is only a source of blood.

Laito: It would be so much better if she had boobs.
Shu: Or a nice ass that I can squeeze.
Subaru: I don't care about the others, but anyone who ships me with that annoying bitch can go fuck themselves.
Kanato: Shipping me with her is just stupid, I may love the taste of her sweet sugary blood, but I would never fuck her.
Yuma(surprise): You wouldn't be able too.
Me: Ohhhhh, do you want some ice for that third degree burn?😂😂
Kanato: Fuck all of you
Me: You can't fuck any of us if you don't have a dick.

Surprise!! I added Yuma. Let me know if I should add the other brothers and/or remove Yuma from the story.

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