Chap. 1. Hello brother

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Zen ran around the room trying to clean things up and put stuff away In their proper place.

Mitsuhide, Kiki and Obi stood at the door watching Zen as he ran around. Shirayuki soon came into the room.

"What going on?" She asked with a confused look

"Zen's sisters coming today" Mitsuhide laughed as he saw Zen trip on the carpet but soon went to help him and to make sure he was okay

"I didn't know Zen had a sister" Shirayuki said to Kiki "is she younger or older then Zen?"

"She's my twin" Zen said as he tried to catch his breath. Shirayuki's and Obi's eyes both widened

"You have a twin sister? Why didn't I know this?" She asked

"Cus she lived with Izana when he was traveling and I haven't seen her since Izana became king" Zen looked down with a sad expression "he took my sister away from me. I haven't seen her in almost 10 years"

"You'll see her today Zen, don't worry" Mitsuhide said tapping on Zen's back

"Why is she coming to Clarines all of a sudden?" Shirayuki asked looking at each of them

"She got news" Zen's words trailed off. Shirayuki knew that news was something Zen didn't like

"What news?" Obi asked

"Well she heard that I was engaged to someone" Zen blushed at the thought.

"Oh" Shirayuki blushed as well, she now knows what the "news" was

A knocking sound came from the door and was opened revealing a guard.

"Your sister has arrived Prince Zen" the guard said.

Zen took a deep breath, then followed the guard out of the room.

(Your POV)

It was such a long ride to Clarines, but it's worth it. Ever since I got the letter saying my brother Zen was engaged I couldn't help but come and see the fiancé for myself. I mean I haven't seen Zen is almost 10 years! Damn, Izana just had to take me with him on his stupid trip away from Zen. Like really? Really?

The carriage stopped and a guards came around to open my door. On my way out, I just about fell out of the carriage because of my dress. Izana wanted me to dress nice so here I am, in a dress. -_- yay

I don't normally wear dresses, I more likely wear pants with a skirt and a nice shirt but noooooo Izana wanted this, He wants that! Man just because he's the king and my big brother, he treats me like dirt. Why I yotta kick him right here!

One I got out of the carriage, the guards took my bags to my room. I turned around after thanking them for the ride and escort and saw a familiar face standing at the front doors.

"Y/N" Zen said looking at me as if seeing a ghost

"Hello brother" I said and ran to hug him. We hugged each other as if we hadn't seen each other in years... Well we actually haven't seems each other in years, so the hug was worth it.

"You've grown up so much" he said letting me go and looking at me "you grew your hair out. Last time I saw it, you had a ugly mushroom cut"

"Hey, we both had that mushroom cut" I laughed " I almost didn't recognize you. But You look so much like dad" we both smiled and hugged each other again

"Is Izana here?" I asked looking at the castle windows to see if that creep was watching. Yes I just called my brother a creep.... Who wouldn't?

"No he's out doing king business" Zen said as we started walking into the castle

"You must be tired. The ride to Clarines must have been long." He said rubbing my back

"Yeah. Those carriages aren't any better." I said cracking my back "my back is killing me and this dress isn't helping"

"Yeah why are you wearing a dress? You never wear a dresses unless its a ball or something formal" he asked looking at my dress

"Izana wanted me to wear it" I said making a face. "He said 'You need to look nice and presentable princess for your journey here' blah blah" I said trying to mimick Izana

Zen and I laughed. Once we got to my room, he walked me in. My stuff were already in the room

"So this is your room, my room is just across the hall" Zen said standing at the door "it's great having you back sis"

"It's great to be back bro" I said "we'll have to talk about your engagement tomorrow"

"Yeah a lot to talk about" he blushed but continued "rest well. See you tomorrow" And with that he left. Leaving me alone in my room. I'm glad to be back, I actually started missing Clarines and the workers and everything

I am so glad to be back


Okay so I hope y'all like it so far. And I hope you like it with the (y/n) thing. Trying something new!

I'd like to apologize in advance if my grammar and spelling is horrible I am French and I'm like writing this at midnight so I'm like half asleep while doing this.

Also I just want to say I do not own Akagami no Shirayuki-hime or the Characters or story line.

I am making things up as I go but that's stories so yeah!


Love yeah

Ains 😁

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