Disney and Dreamwork's one shots

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You shiver in your jacket and giggle. You have always loved the cold and winter time. It is just absolutely beautiful and smells so fresh. Nobody else really understands your obsession with the cold but you get this feeling that whenever you walk outside that Jack Frost is kissing your nose. You sigh in the night air watching our breath float away. Who are you kidding? Jack Frost isn't even real! Walking into the forest behind your house, a little deeper you look up at the moon. It is bright and full which fills you with awe. And then, you feel it again! On the very tip of your nose, you feel the coldness. "Maybe Jack Frost is real? Jack, please show me you are real! I need someone like me who loves the cold! Please, I need you to be real." The last part comes as a whisper as you realize why you like the cold so much. Your family is broken and shattered. You were forced to move away from your friends, and your mom. You miss your mom so bad and you feel the pain every part of the day. The cold just seems to numb that feeling which is what you need.
Falling on your knees, tears begin to fall and you sob. "Hey, don't cry! Ah! Curse you man in the moon!! Why can't she see me! Why won't you let her see me?" Your head whips up at the sound of a mans voice. Looking around you stand up, scared. Nobody is in sight which makes your heart beat faster. Your eyes jump to the trees and that's where you spot the young man. He is very odd looking. White hair, pale skin, and no shoes, what is up with him? He is staring straight at you but doesn't seem to get that it is making you feel awkward. "Uh, hi. Who are you?" You ask. He doesn't answer at first. His eyes suddenly go wide and he scrambles close to you. "Wait, are you talking to me?" You take a step back and nod quickly. He gasps and jumps in the air. Actually, better yet he's FLYING. You feel light headed and the last thing you see is him lurching towards your failing vision.
You wake up to feel the cold all around you. Opening your eyes you are in the same spot but the young man is staring at you intently. Once he sees your eyes are open, he crawls over to you. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I scared you." You frown and reach out to touch his bright white hair. He freezes [get it ;D] as you run a hand through his hair and against his cheek. Your fingers are chilled at the touch and his blue eyes seem to gaze down to your soul. And suddenly, you known who he is. "Hello, Jack. I've been waiting for you to show up for a long time." He smiles with tears pooling in his eyes. He wraps you in a hug and even though he is always cold, your heart is warmed by him.

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