Chapter Four: Changes

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"What TV shows do you watch?" I ask her. Cass looks up from the controls of the plane for a second before turning back to them. "Um... I suppose I know about Supernatural from Jason. I don't watch too much TV, so I wouldn't be able to give you a real answer."

"You forget I've been gone from society for a good six months," I remind her. "Everything I like has progressed. Improved. I don't know the recent world too much."

"Well, we're going to be friends, correct? I can tell you about it." She says. I smile. "That would be nice."

We get fully settled inside the plane, which is black on black with a little touch of black to spice it up. I feel like it fits with the bat theme, though, so I suppose so much darkness is necessary. Cass begins to tell me about the news lately, which has been nothing but negativity, and then she starts talking about entertainment and such.

"Music is one of my favorite things. I can always find time for it; I wear earbuds on patrol, when things get slow, and no one cares if I walk around the manor with headphones on. I can tell you all you need to know about that."

"So... Fall Out Boy music?"

"It's wonderful. Their new album came out a few weeks ago, and I've had it on repeat for days." Cass tells me. The passion in her eyes mirrors mine, because I love it just as much as she does. "Actually, I have it on me. Care to listen?"

"Yes, please," I request, and she digs around in her bag for a moment. We left the café at about nine this morning and its nearly ten now, but I'm just now noticing her outfit. A solid black T-shirt, a grey jacket over top, and faded jeans that almost match. Her shoes, Converse high tops, are laced up with blotched grey and black laces. I feel like if she's an indicator, fashion is heading in the direction that I might fit into for once.

Her bag is a small black backpack, which snaps shut with a long magnetic bar. A front pocket is unzipped, revealing an eye makeup kit-all shades ranging from stormy sky to charcoal-and a few brushes in a clear pouch. The large pocket has much in it, or so I'm picking up from the rustling she's doing to find a CD for me. She pulls it out, and I sigh. I want a copy, and have since I left England, because there I was still reading the news. I intended to order a copy and have it sent home to be waiting for me.

"My favorite song is Immortals, but that's only due to the fact that it's on the radio so much." I smile. "Oh, I heard that one. It's good."

We listen to the CD, and by the time it's over, we're not in the same country anymore. Thank you to the people who structured European country boundaries, I feel like I don't need to worry anymore. I feel farther away from that place than I am.

"I think I like having you as a friend. You're quiet and you appreciate things like music."

"You're a great friend," I reply. "You like the same stuff I do and you know how to be quiet when a good song comes on."

Usually, that would seem mean. But I know Cass, to an extent, and I know she was raised under David Cain. She's tough as nails.

"Thank you. Not many people appreciate girls like us."

"You sound like Donna. You two have to end up meeting." I tell her. She smiles and begins saying something, but the radio crackles and a voice comes on. "Black Bat, can you hear me?"

I recognize Nightwing-Dick Grayson-and I am instantly relieved. "I hear you clearly, Wing. I have Ravager with me and we're on our way home."

"There's been a change of plans." He sounds upset to have to deliver bad news. Cass doesn't seem at all perturbed, however. "What happened?"

"Boss needs it. He's got both of your fathers but he needs a way to get them under law enforcement. The local area doesn't have meta containment prison, which both of them fall under. He'll have to take them in the jet to Belle Reve or something."

"What is the plan for the two of us?"

"I don't know. I would have someone pick you up, but you are kind of out there and pretty much everyone is busy right now."

"We can take a regular plane. Civilian identities can have some positive effect here."

"Would that be alright? I can figure something out if you don't want to."

"No, that's great. We're going to surprise Darkstar." I put in. "We'll go in civvies and head to her house."

"Thank you. Alright, can you change the coordinates on the plane? He wants to check you both over before you go your separate ways."

Once Cass follows his instructions, he signs off and we shoot each other a look. "It sounds like we're going on a bit of an adventure, then. I don't even know what country we're in."

"Me neither. I'm going to guess that they don't speak English, though. Murphy's Law, you know."

"Of course. 'What can go wrong will go wrong.' In all seriousness, though, are you sure that you want to do this, and end up somewhere in Europe with a dark girl you don't know too well?" She seems worried for me rather than herself. I resolve to change that as fast as I can. "We're friends, remember? The daughters of David Cain and Slade Wilson, united against them? We can totally go get lost here, have an adventure, and get to know each other. It'll be like a movie."

"That sounds quite adventurous," she puts in. "But I think it will work. I need a little something exciting once in a while."

"Me too. So let's get this this trip on the way." We have a long flight ahead of us, and then the Batman himself will make sure we are fit to go on. From there, we have the whole world to travel and all the time we need to do it in. I can get to know this girl that I have proclaimed my friend, and she can get to know me in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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