Chapter 1

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Taemin's POV:

"TAEMIN!!! MINNIE!!! Get your asses down here!!"

Must be something serious. My dad never yells. Me and Minnie glanced at each other before Minnie went out the door downstairs. I quickly fixed my hair into a ponytail. (A/N: Please note: this is set during the Lucifer era) I went downstairs and sat next to my sister in the couch. " Taemin, Mintae, I want you to know that you'll be getting married tomorrow. We're losing money on dance classes so you'll be marrying somebody rich." Our dad said. Our faces were still the neutral. But inside.... My soul was screaming ' WHAT THE HELL!!!???'

×That was a suckish chapter. I know. Like I said before I am new at this.×

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