"I knew he was a good guy." Jake commented. "He's kinda awkward, but cool."

Lao Shi frowned. "I'm not sure if I trust him myself, but the fact he is in frequent contact with the elusive Master of Time himself is undeniable." A sigh. "That and the fact this powerful being who manages the very fabric of time trusts him, guides him, and gives him information. Information that could be extremely dangerous if it fell in the wrong hands. He must be very special if that sort of interest is taken in him. That's why the Council is so eager to speak with him." He nodded again. "He and his friends will have a meeting with the Dragon Council when you three complete your task. As for now, before you go home, speak with Fu Dog. He has something for you." The old man laughed a bit. The dragon master arose from his seat. "As for me, I have other business to attend to this evening. Make sure the shop door is locked when you leave."

He left, and Jake spun in his seat to Fu Dog, who was bottling the potion he was working on. He chuckled. "Everything went better than expected. Anyways, I know you probably wanna scurry on home, so here's what I got." Fu Dog pulled a scrap of paper from the nearby shelf full of alchemical ingredients and placed it before Jake. "This, Jake, could be the key to stopping the enemy."

Jake picked it up, skimming it. On the top of the page there was a drawing of a dragon's breath, a Ninja Rage fireblast, and a ghost's ectoblasts meeting. The end result was a huge explosion of energy, uncolored puffs of smoke surrounding it. Just as Jake looked to Fu for explanation, Fu was shoving potions into a bag. The magical dog explained without looking up. "When you and the Ninja and Danny Phantom combine your powers, you're capable of creating a huge reaction of energy. If done at the right time, this could take out William the Forgotten. Permanently."


"Wow is right. But you'll need practice to get it right," Fu said. He grunted as he forced a cork on another vial. "otherwise it won't work right. The blasts have to meet at the exact moment and exact point, or else nothing happens from what I've researched. Take it along tomorrow and practice. And these are for you all," He handed the bag of potions to Jake. "this is everything you might need for your adventure, cleared by your grandfather for me to give to you. Invisibility potions, healing potions, sunlight potions, you name it, it's in there and I labeled all of them. Use them wisely." Fu winked at the teenager. "And I spent all day making them, so you're welcome."

"Thanks, Fu! Where would I be without you?"

"Probably dead, Jake." Fu Dog let out a bark of laughter. Jake's frown made him stop. "Ah, I'm just messing with you, kid. That's all. You can go home." He clapped his paws together. "Oh, and that reminds me. Your mother called earlier and asked me to remind you to clean up your room. Better get on that."

Just as Fu Dog walked away from relaying the message, Jake let out a whine. "Aww, man!"

"This is absolutely nuts," Howard said, pacing back and forth through Randy's room, "I mean, I still can't get over it. Dragons, ghosts, and a Ninja."

Randy nodded understandingly. "I get you, Howard. It's a lot to take in. Even for me."

"A lot to take in?" Howard snapped, turning to his best friend. "This is the ultimate, craziest, brucest thing ever to take in! It's so hard to take in it's like I haven't even taken it in at all! What the juice?!" Howard plopped down on a rolling chair and sighed. "And somehow I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg. What more can there be? What more, Cunningham?"

The Ninja shrugged. "I dunno. I don't know what more there can be, not any more than you." He pulled the Nomicon out of his backpack, which was still silent. "There's probably more than we understand that we're going to see or maybe not see at all." He glared at the Nomicon. Howard crossed his arms.

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