Ch.2 (Pic)

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After a few turns Judy and nick arrived at the center of zootopia. In the center of zootopia there lays four separate wall closing off each section of the city for other habitats. Lucky they were assigned to the city and not one of the other districts.
As nick looks for a place to park Judy pops the glove compartment and pulls out a carrot looking pen and a not pad, a pair of binoculars, and sets the radio to an open Chanel.
Nick roles down a window to take in the view." Man just look at this day! Not a clouds in the sky and there's a nice breeze."  Judy just shrugs it off trying to find the right Chanel. Still she takes a small glimpse and is left in aw.
Judy's POV:
Wow....he's right, it's just amazing today. If I didn't have to work I might just take the day off. No no no I can't, it's my job to report any suspicious activity if I see any.Someone died today and I need to work hard to help find him or her, but on the other hand it is a nice day.

As the hours pass Judy takes notes after every hour and reports it in to the open Chanel. Nick on the other hand was on the other side looking through the binoculars, being Judy's second set of eyes. Even though nick is a sly fox, he still tries to work just as hard to show everyone else that just because he's a fox doesn't mean he's a stranger to hard work. As the sun starts to sets Judy lets out a long yawn. Nick had fell asleep about ten minutes after the sun went down. Judy was shortly her eyelids fall. She shakes her head fiercely trying to stay awake.
"This is officer hops reporting in. We found nothing out of the ordinary. Heading back to ZPD"
There was no respons, Judy looked over at the nick getting ready to wake him up, reaching over she falls over him. Trying to get up  she falls in to a deep sleep.
Time passes by as a lard shadow crossed over, getting closer and closer until it was at the window where nick and Judy sleped. The tall figure pulled its phone out of his pocket, a bright flash went off. Judy's eyes shot open as the flash went off. The tall figure sprints down the street. As Judy try's to put together what just happened she jumped out the car and looked to who ever woke her. Nick looks out the window and sees Judy frantically looking in all directions. " hey carrots what are you doing?!?" Nick says as he holds his stomach. Judy turns to see nick on one knee. " sorry nick I just....are you ok?!?" Judy runs up to nick in a panic not knowing what happened. " am I ok!?! No I'm not!!! I was was sleeping when all of a sudden I wake up to you jumping off me and out the car, looking around like you lost your head!!!"
Nick shouted at the top of his voice. Judy stepped back actually scared. Nick had gotten angry at her before a few times, but this was different. He was burning with rage at this point.
Judy looked down feeling the tears swell up in her eyes." S..sorry nick I just, panicked"
Nick got off the ground just in time to see Judy. Is anger faded fast and gilt quickly set in. Her felt his chest cave inwards. " hey hey hey it all good just ...... I'm ok see" nick said with a fake smile on his face, the pain was still there but that was almost nothing compared to what he felt as Judy whipped he tears away.
Judy's POV:
What wrong with me, it's not like me to panic like that. I need to get a better grip of myself. " so what happened carrots?" Nick voice was back to normal, he was trying to get back on his feet even though it was obvious that I got him good.
Well it's just that I thought I saw something, a flash. I was sleeping when I woke up to a bright light and I saw someone make a run for it......sorry if I hurt you nick.
I didn't mean to hurt him, it was just ..... I don't know. Nick got back to his feet and walked up to me, my heart froze as his face got closer to mine. We were only inches away and I could hear my heart beat louder and louder and faster and faster. He leaned in closer, he stopped in to my ear and whispered. " is that all you got" he said in a condescending tone.
What the!!!! Nick!!!! I shoved him off me as I felt my blood rush to my face. I don't know why but for some reason I thought he was......never mind.

Nicks POV:
As Judy pushed me off the pain in my lower stomach came back. I hid my pain well enough to make shore she thought I was ok. Calm down carrots I'm just messing with you. She folded her arms in defiance, to me night was as clear as day and I think I just saw a little blush??? I had to admit I had different intention when I got that close but something told me to back off. I looked over at my watch and lost my shit.
No!!!!! I shouted in frustration.
"Nick what is it!!" Judy came up running. I showed her my watch and she soon followed up with that went wrong. My watch read 5:56 in the morning. We were suppose to go home over six hours ago, and we go back to work around 7:30. We spent the whole night in the car and now my back was killing me.
Judy made her way back to the car and I followed up behind her.

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