The stranger

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It was never told how we got our  marks, it was just said at the age of sixteen every child would received a mark at the stroke of midnight the mark would either be The mark of god or the mark of the demon. The mark would just appear in your palm at the stroke of midnight on your sixteenth birthday  I didn't had a mark as yet  because i was still fifteen , i would be sixteen in three days, my parents had already started making  preparations to host a big party for my birthday even though i didn't really like the idea i said nothing,my whole family had the mark of god and they believe that i will too and so did i. Anyone with the mark of the demon was sentence to instant death, i prayed i never got it but it wasn't up to me to decide. I didn't want to spend my time copped up in my house watching my parents prepare for my party  so i decided to go and take a walk in the  forest which always clears my mind the forest was right behind my house as i was walking through the door my mom grab my hand and ask where i was going, just outside i said knowing that she hated when i go into the forest she always keep thinking i might get shot or killed by a wild animal she smiled and let me go, i waited till she was gone out of site and i ran towards the forest as i passed a big old tree i heard moaning i raise my hand ready to fight the intruder, i walk slowly around the tree and there is where i saw a man his foot was injure  he couldn't walk it looked like a gunshot wound. Why would anyone try to kill a helpless old man as i lean down to help him my eyes spot his mark he had  the mark of the demon i jump up and backed away i knew if i help him i will get killed too  so i couldn't but how did he live past sixteen as long as you have the mark of the demon they kill you the same day you turn sixteen maybe he ran away but i didn't wanted to find i got up and  backed away from him, help me he said, no i reply i can't , "but they are coming for me he said they will kill me , "i still can't help you i said   and started to walk away from him "i curse you!! ,i curse you he shouted, you will never be happy" he said i watch as he took his last breath and his eyes close.

I hurried back  home i was scared what did he mean when he said  he curse me and i will never be happy again i dont believe in curse but anyone with the mark of the demon had special powers maybe i am curse. I walked into my house my mom and dad were talking to a man he didn't look like he lives around here in pear-stri village  he was handsome he look about  seventeen or sixteen cause he already had his mark the mark of God he smiled at me i smiled back "come here rose "my dad said calling me i walk over to him still staring  at the stranger "this is Chris he said pointing to the stranger , he is here to help with your sweet sixteen party preparation he came all the way from alouwa  my father said looking at me,  the stranger held out his hand so i can place mine  "nice to me you rose he said i extend my hands in his he pulled it up to his mouth and kiss it  he smiled warmly  why did he come all the way from alouwa just to plan my party i thought to my self  i smiled back at him " he will be staying here show him to the guess bedroom" my father said i smile and usher him  to follow me "so you're turning sixteen in three days he ask "  yep i answer not wanting to form a conversation with him, he enter the guest bedroom and turn to me "stay out of trouble he said then he  shut the door. I left staring in surprise he look too young to be a party planner but i didn't say anything. I enter my room and sat in front the mirror i was a pale red hair fifteen year old. I pulled my hair in front my face while i brush the back i felt in love with this mysterious stranger i look at my hair it was shoulder length and thin but i loved it i smiled at my self and enter my bed i didn't feel hungry i was too worried about the man i saw in the woods and what he said to me. I  close my eyes slowly hoping to get a good night sleep.

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