Tagged 5

41 2 13

So I was tagged by Chill8 , let's get started

1. You must post all the rules
2. You must tag 15 people
3. You must post 13 facts about yourself
4. You must answer the 13 questions given to you
5. You must post 13 more questions for the people you tagged
6. You HAVE to do this
7. You must post this within a week
8. Make a creative title

1. I'm a girl
2. I'm a Capricorn
3. I love anime
5. I just graduated from grade school
6. I'm 12 years old
7. My name starts with a "K"
8. I'm very sensitive/ emotional
9. Other people say I'm scary when I'm angry (I guess that rhymes!😋😅)
10. I don't like seeing people sad
11. I love to draw anime.
12. I have a younger sister who Is one year younger than me
13. I'm kinda scared of d dark

Let's get started!
1. What's your 'dere' type?
I'm a 'dere dere'

2. What's your favorite anime/ show?
My favorite anime is either 'Guilty Crown' or 'Charlotte' (sorry if I spelled that wrong!😅)

3. Who is the person you most idolize? They could be fictional or real.
I idolize God/ Jesus

4. Who are the 2 closest people to you?
Umm -_Sakuma_Jirou_- /___the_daydreamer___ /gabbimorales /AwesomeNeverDies (sorry!!! Bc these r very close ppl to me!!! So sorry guys!!!)

5. You have to kill one of those people. Which to you choose to survive?
Umm I wouldn't pick anybody to kill, and kill myself.

6. What is something you take high interest in?
umm drawing.

7. On Wattpad, which one do you do more, read or write?
Umm I think read, but write sometimes.

8. What's your favorite story in Wattpad right now? Who is it made by?
Umm it's either The Ware Wolf and the Fae, by ___the_daydreamer___ , or TouKen one-shots by FaithSebastianHsi .

9. What drives you insane?
What drives me insane is when people are too noisy

10. What game/ game series have you recently played?
Umm I don't think I've been playing any game/ game series recently.

11. You can only save one: your parent's/ parents' life or your best friends life.
Umm I think my parent's life.

12. What is your favorite drawing from the ones you made? (Answer through photo.) I'M SORRY IF THE DRAWING IS SO BAD!!!!! T^Tm


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13. What is a proper reason to kill someone?
Umm to be honest, I would never kill someone...... But a good reason is if they broke the law. Or did something very very bad! Like killing another person for no reason....😅.
Sorry but I never thought of those kind of things...😅😅

Extra question: Once again again, how's life?
Umm life is weird.... And scary... But anyway, byee!!!😋

Okay!! I'm done!😋 and the people I tag are:
1. -_Taiyou_Amemiya_-
2. -_Sakuma_Jirou_-
3. Fubuki_Shirou_
4. -_Genda_Koujirou_-
5. Vodkacupcake
6. 3V_Eclipse
7. random919joker
8. -_Hiroto_Kiyama_-
9. -_Afuro_Terumi_-
10. ___the_daydreamer___
11. gabbimorales
12. -_Midorikawa_-
13. -_Ibuki_Munemasa_-
14. Nishizono_Shinsuke
15. -_Tsurugi_Kyousuke_-

Done! That's 15 people! And here r d questions!
1. Drawing or coloring? And why?
2. How would u want to die? And why?
3. Would you break the law just for somebody you love so much?
4. What if you saw somebody you like, be with someone else? What would you do?
5. When is your birthday?
6. What is one of the activities you like to do?
7. What is one thing you hate?
8. Describe your friend in 5 words.
9. How many siblings do you have?
10. What is your battery percentage right now?
11. What is the latest song you listened to?
12. How would you spend your summer?
13. How is life?

Okay that's it!! Byee!😋

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