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" Wow Lolenza High School. I hate being the new kid " I said to mom as she dropped me at the front gate of L.H.S. At least it was my junior year. My mom, Rose , is an astrophysicist and got a job in Washington which was 15 hours from where we were staying in Utah. As I get to my first period the hallways were empty. Uh I hate being late. As i walk in my class , it looks as if a student was teaching the class .......maybe giving a speech? he's rather tall with slick back hair and fine facial hair. " Oh the new student..." he says staring with his deep brown eyes. " My name is Mr. McMullen and I will be your English teacher and you are ? ". He was absolutely gorgeous.

"S..Sorrel Littlewood " I couldn't help but stutter. I hate when all the attention's on me. " Well Ms. Littlewood you can that empty seat behind Kraya, Kraya raise your hand please."

there was an awkward silence as she rose her hand. Kraya was pretty, had long wavy hair which curled up at the bottom. She had ocean blue eyes, red lips which didn't seem as it had any lipstick on. her outfit clung on her body perfectly. After i made my way to the seat Mr. McMullen filled me in about what he was teaching and then gave out worksheets.

"I'm Kraya , by the way , if you didn't catch on earlier. Here let me see your schedule." she said in a sweet calming voice.

" Yeah sure " I forced out. I seriously need to get over being shy. As she grabbed my schedule i glanced over the room. I could see a bunch of boys turning around and laughing which caused me to stifle a little. Was my hair messed up ? Did I have a booger or something ? What were they laughing at that was so funny ? One of them quickly stands up and walks towards me. I try not to make eye contact . He walks past me and slaps the guy sleeping behind me. The guy sleeping immediately stands up and pushes him to the wall . Mr. McMullen come between them and breaks the fight and takes them outside. " Wow so Andy's still picking fights. Hmm. Anyways I have 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 7th period with you. That's nice I'll get to know you better. I can even walk you to your next class if you want..?". She seemed pretty cool so why not?

" UH...yes sure but can we stop at the bathrooms first?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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