Chapter 23- So Close Yet So Far

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Brett's POV

I woke up to the feeling of cloth touching my back. I turned around to see Karma in just her lace bra and undies. I bit my lip, eyeing her up and down. I probably sound like a major perv rapist right now. I probably would've eye raped her if she hadn't woken up.

"Good morning." She said in her morning voice.

"Good morning." I sighed. If only she hadn't woken up. ;)

"What do you want to do today?" She asked. She slipped on a pair of jeans.

"Don't you have a date with Niall and Sebastian today?" I asked.

"I did. But, I think I should spend time with you today." She smiled. I smiled back. Yes! She wants to spend time with me.

"Well. How about a nice trip to the zoo?" I suggested. Her face brightened.

"Yes! Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She tackled me back onto the bed. She hugged me tight while chuckling. Our eyes met. She stared into my golden eyes and I stared into her pink ones. Something us werewolves do. She started leaning in and I did the same. Just as our lips were about to brush, Sebastian walked in.

"Hey Brett, have you seen my-" he paused and looked at our position. Karma got up and tried to cover herself. I chuckled. Sebastian just stared with his mouth open.

Sebastian's POV

Today I was going to take Karma out to this really cool candy shoppe, then to a festival later. I was putting my shoes on but, couldn't find my other shoe. My room is right next to Brett's. We have the same shoe size, so he might've taken it.

"Hey Brett have you seem my-" I stopped in my tracks. Karma was lying on top of Brett in just her bra. My wolf growled in hatred. That should be me with her, NOT him. My wolf was begging to take over and I almost let him, but I held him back.

'No Ash! Calm yourself.' I tried calming my wolf.

'But he's with OUR mate!' He replied.

'I know just, ill handle it.' He backed down, but was growling lowly.

Karma got off Brett, frantically trying to cover herself up. I didn't mind of course. It was Brett I minded.

"Brett may I speak to you outside please?"

Karma's POV

That was so embarrassing! I quietly opened the door. They were gone. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I slid down the door and put my head in my hands. I bawled my eyes out. I ran myself a nice green apple bubble bath. I forced myself to relax. That did nothing. I groaned in frustration. I got out and slipped on my dress from yesterday. I stuck my hair in a messy bun and walked out. I tiptoed to the door. I was craving blood and needed to get some fresh air. I was under so much stress. The solstice is in a week! I used my vampire speed to run off by the bar. I didn't want to, but I had to. The scent of cherry pie filled my nostrils. I followed the scent to the alley beside the bar. A drunk man, stumbled through the alley. I calmly, but hungrily, approached him.

"Hey babe! Wanna have some fun?" He smirked. I was disgusted. This is why I don't go to bars often. I forcefully grabbed his neck. My fangs pierced his neck. He winced, but quickly started moaning. Vampires have the affect to turn pain into pleasure. I was sure not to take too much blood so, I licked his wound and ran off.

Drunk Guy's POV

I missed her so much. Why can't she just love me like I love her. I want to be a great husband and an even better father to our children.

I was so drunk right now, I didn't even know what I was saying. I saw a girl in a black and pink dress walking up to me.

"Hey babe! Wanna have some fun?" That was the drunkness talking. My vision was blurry but, I swear I've seen her before. She grabbed my neck and I felt something sharp go into my neck. Pain shot through my body like a bitch. It quickly subsided and turned into pleasure. Pretty soon I was moaning. She licked my neck and vanished just like that. I longed for her lips on my neck again. My vision cleared and pain hit me in my head. I fell to the ground. Something started poking my bottom lip. I brought my fingers to it and felt two sharp fangs. I could see every detail on everything and my hearing was sharp. Oh no!

Sebastian's POV

"Dude what's your problem?!" I yelled at Brett.

"I don't know what your talking about." He said, but I could sense the smirk in his tone.

"You know exactly what!" I shoved him. His eyes turned red and shoved me hard into the wall. The wall cracked and a hole formed. I let my wolf take over and shifted. I tackled him to the ground. I was just about to slit his throat when Jackson walked in casually.

"Hey guys." He mumbled through a mouth full of chips. I had a 'the fuck' face on. That gave Brett some time to shift and tackle me. He barred his fangs and I snapped at him. Jackson stood, watching us fight and eating chips.

"The fuck are you doing Jackson?!" I growled. I don't know why, but this annoyed me.

"Oh me? I'm just simply watching my friends kill each other. No big deal." He contributed eating. I got out from under Brett and lunged at Jackson. He dodged at last minute and I flew head first into the wall.

"Ohoho! Nice!" I heard Brett say. He high fived Jackson. I growled, but then whimpered in pain.

"Hey where's Karma?" Asked Jackson.

She's been awfully quiet. I saw Brett and Jackson run off into rooms, looking for her. I shifted back and went to look for her. She wasn't in Brett's room. I checked the bathroom. The mirror was fogged up and there was soapy water in the tub. Weird. I tried tracking her. I smelt her amazing scent but, also cherry pie. It smelt familiar. The cherry pie scent divided into cherry pie and chocolate. The only time it would divide would be if-

Oh no!

Looks like the majority is team Louis. Hmmmm. *evil smirk*

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