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Hi there Kiddies! This is a book that has 10 reasons to love and hate whatever Anime or Manga. Suggestions to Anime/Manga I've seen are awesome and I won't mind!

Also heads up! Be aware, I might hit a nerve or say something insensitive. This is because it is supposed to be a book to show why you should hate whatever series it is- I am supposed to be both good and evil in this. I play the hero and villain of this book. I can't be a hero writing about hate and I can't be a villain and write about love.

Inspiration came from a YouTube channel called ScrewAttack who did a variation in pop culture for the reasons for stuff. They also have their own version of this reasons to love/hate whatever- but mine will be more Anime/Manga related. Some of the Anime and Manga might not be listed in this book. That means- I might not do Attack on Titan because ScrewAttack got to it first. Plus evil Craig did a fantastic job on it.

So, apart from that, enjoy!~ :D

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