Ch.23 Talk it out Pt.2

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Odell- So what do we need to talk about ? And most important why the hell is she wearing yo shirt (thinks for a second) hol' up y'all been fucking on the dl havent cha' (disgusted face)

Kenny-chill tf out-

Maddison- it was only last night

Kenny- she's my gf now

Odell-wayment didn't she say you were sexually touching against her will right? Bullied you And you back with her Bro not tryna be rude but wtf you jus gone go and have sex with her her ass might try and go to the police station tryna say you raped her and shit you crazy as hell fam (shakes his head then puts it down) no wonder why we bullied y'all crazy asses


Malachi-nigga you been smoking some shit. I get it that bullying them was wrong but just a few days ago u was jus mad now yall all fuckbuddy and shit like I don't get this I don't even get why we're over here cause we're not talking to them or about this dumb shit cause Ima let it go I'm tryna walk away bu-

Addilyn-tryna walk away ain't gon make it no better lets just talk it out a-

Odell-If y'all would just go do y'all and let us do us then we wouldn't have a prob-

Michelle- this problem ain't gon get fixed and we not gon be able to do us if we don't get answers

Odell-O MY GAWWD lord Jesus help me come on Kav (lies) I got a date tonight but for anything you guys should be giving us answers then you'll know why we bullied you

Michelle-(mad) a date a date with who

Odell-mind yo damn business maybe if y'all could control y'all crushes y'all have on us then maybe the problem could be fixed

Michelle-(bursts out in tears) ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT I LOVE YOU (runs to the bathroom)

Odell-problem solved can I leave now?

Addilyn-No are you kidding me we are going to sit here like fucking adults and talk this out (goes to get Michelle from the bathroom)

Kavarah- ok everyone sit in a circle I'm playing therapist today

They sit in a circle and Michelle and Addilyn enter the room

Kavarah-I'm playing therapist today Michelle sit next to Odell and Addilyn next to Malalachi (looks at the four of them daring to object)

*they sit*

Kavarah-ok so who wants to go first

(Odell's hand instantly shoots up)

Kavarah- Odell if it's to ask can you leave the answer is call your little whore and tell her you guys can fuck tomorrow. Now.

Odell- (mumbles while taking out his phone) rude ass (stops mumbling) (lies to make Michelle mad) and actually we weren't gonna fuck she's new and she's actually sweet I actually don't wanna fuck h-

Michelle- I'll go

Odell- (mumbles) bitches been interrupting me all day

Michelle-well it started after my dad left me and my mom two weeks before  my bday and a couple of months before mom became violent with me she tried to make it seem like she wasn't crumbling on the inside when really I saw straight through every "I'm fine" and "it's ok" she gave me after my dad left i became a evil little soul and convinced Addilyn and Maddy to go along with it so we started picking on people it made me feel better but bad on the inside I'm not gonna lie Me and Maddy made up a fake story that Kenny had touched her and Kenny I'm very sorry for that but then at my birthday party we embarrassed them all Kenny Malachi and Odell it wasn't until Kenny and Maddy got together and broke up did the bullying get worse on us. I feel bad but at the same time I can't help but still feel feelings towards Odell and I know he feels them to but this situation is all complicated I wish it didn't have to turn out like this and we could all be friends or couples but one thing I will say is I'm so sorry Odell Malachi Kenny Maddison and Odell

Kavarah-wow very deep anybody have any comments concerns

Addilyn- I do. Malachi I know you might not have feelings for me but I love you

Malachi- (had his head down but now picks it up and looks at her)

Addilyn- I wanna be with you desperately that's just how I feel and I can't help but feel like that towards anyone else  i mean I know it might seem like al- (gets cut off by Malachi grabbing her and kissing her adding tongue)

The whole room starts cheering for them until they start trying to remove each other's clothing

Everyone-NO nonononononono (pulls them away from each other and laughs)

Kavarah-wait a minute Odell Michelle (clears throat) anything you guys wanna say to eachother

Odell walks out of the house slamming the door  while Michelle runs to the bathroom slamming the door

Everybody looks at eachother
      And they start whispering
Maddison- what are we gonna do

Kavarah- we are going to try and get them together we have to can my you guys see they're obviously miserable without eachother dell been lying his ass off about going on a "date" tonight he ain't been getting no hoes lately

                     *at the same time*
Malachi- I'll make sure he stays away from hoes
Addilyn-I'll make sure she stays away from niggas

Everybody laughs

Kenny-ok ok guys make sure you do that but how

Maddy- Michelle lives with me now
And me and Addy both have all classes with her

The boys- us too

Kenny- except one for me

Kavarah- so plan?

Everybody- plan

----------------------------------------------it's a plan cooking. 🐸☕️ and Kavarah is finally back y'all yaaass

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