Day #2

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Write 250 words inspired by the color of the walls of the room that you're in.
Colors: white and brown

I am an ice cream sandwich. Nice, sweet and chocolate on the outside. Cold on the inside. People love me because I'm sweet, but really, I'm ice cold.
Which is why when he asks me out, I say yes. I don't care how he'll feel when he realizes he's dating the queen Antarctica here. Why would I care? I am ice. Besides, he's hot. Maybe he'll melt my ice cold heart.
Our first date goes extremely well. He takes me to a cliff and shows me the sunset over the waves below. "The turmoil and the calm. It feels symbolic, really," I say. He looks at me as if I'm the greatest thing he's ever seen. I mentally vomit. He somehow can't see how fake I am. There's nothing symbolic about those waves.
The second date, not so much. He takes me to a pizza parlor, cringes at the way I chow down my food. Despite this, he still walks me to the door that night, leans in for a kiss. Much to both our astonishment, I push him back.
"No. I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way about you. I don't think we should go out anymore," I say. It's the most honest I've been to anybody, ever.
He looks at me. "Okay," he says. He doesn't really look too hurt. I thought he'd care when we broke up. I feel a small ache in my chest that he doesn't.
Three weeks later, he comes to school with another girl, Anika. As they kiss, I realize that I'm not an ice cream sandwich anymore.
I'm a melted mess.

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