My Life as a Gallifreyan

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Hey guys this is just a fun story about life of a girl on a made up planet.  There are words that won't make sense because they are in a made up language that I created.  In parentheses  I put what the made up words would be.  I hope you enjoy this.  Please comment and vote.  They make me happy!!!!


Hi my name is Hftgdsabl.  But you can call me Raven. I'm 24 years old which is really young. That would be about 16 in human years.  I'm a Gallifreyan.  My home planet is Gallifrey.  It is amazing.  I love the warmth of the volcanoes in the summer and the ice that covers everything in the winter.  We don't have...what do you humans call them...Autumn and Spring right?  It's winter right now so I get to wear my jgjufb, or what you would call dresses.  I don't know why you don't wear them in winter.  You silly humans with your weird way with clo...   HFTGDSABL!!!!!!  Uh oh I gotta go to doshf (school) or Shelly my gohat (foster) ghrt (mom) will have a fit if I miss again.  See you later! Gutyi! (Bye!)

Raven was running to catch the bus when she met her friend Jistn.(Sarah)  Hey Sarah!

Hi Raven, running late again?

Yes, but it seems like you are too, I said.

Ya, ghrt went to doat (work) and Alfnriuo (Michael) is sick so I had to make sure he would stay home until I got back to take care of him.

Well when you go back give him my well wishes.

Okay see you later Raven.

Bye Sarah.

Well Hftgdsabl you made before class stared for once. Sabalpado (Congratulations), said my teacher Ms. E-Vil sarcastically.  Go take your seat.

While Raven was going to her seat, which was in the back of the class, everyone was whispering behind her back.  Nobody liked Raven because she was a foster kid.  She was a quiet kid and  loved to read, write, draw, and nobody new it but she loved to sing.  Everybody thought of her as a nerd but even the nerds at her school didn't like her.  She didn't like the name calling but was used to it.

After a long, boring morning with Ms. E-Vil it was lunch.  Raven always ate lunch outside and always loved at the beautiful flowers and plants and today was no exception.  When she went to go under her favorite tree there was someone else there.  A young boy was curled up with a stuffed toy sleeping under the tree.

Raven woke the boy up.  He looked at her and smiled.

Hi i'm Raven, what are you doing here?  Are you lost?

I'm Kendall.

Hi Kendall.  What are you doing here?  Like I asked before are you lost?

No i'm not lost.  "Grumble" "Grumble"

Sounds like you're hungry Kendall.  Here I have a banana you can have.


So Kendall where are your mom and dad?

Umm....Well. "Swallow"  I guess you can say they went up in the sky. They died when I was 2 years old. The house caught fire and I ran. No one found me then but you have.  I didn't want to go to a shgdo (orphanage) or urhgj jhvdhs (foster home).

It's okay, how about you come home with me.  Meet me back here at three and I will take you to my house you can meet my ummm........ghrt will just love you. Sound good?

Okay that sounds like fun.  You promise not to send me to a shgdo or urhgi jhvdhs?

I promise.

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