Alex's Pov

Damn she just doesn't care. This dumb girl fucking made it look like I wanted it.

I sighed and the girl smirked at me.

I want Avery. I got in deep thought about her but immediately shook my head and got back to work.

Avery's Pov

Can't say I didn't see that coming. I mean it's already happened. So I was prepared. Not saying I didn't fall in love with Alex and I'm heart broken but I'm just not going to show it.

"I'm back." I said.

Andrea smiled and I smiled back at her positive attitude. She's such strong girl.

I used my notes and kept them with me in case they were making out next door.

I sighed and closed the journal.

"We'll start the next part tomorrow?" Andrea asked and I nodded.

She was about to walk next door but I stopped them.

"There working." I said.

"Yeah but I'm just putting notes away." Andrea said.

"On each other's faces." I added.

"Aren't you mad?!" Andrea asked.

"No I saw it coming." I said.

"You broke up with him?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah." I said.

The girl left.

"Dinner!" Derek yelled.

I walked downstairs feeling to arms around me. Without thinking I punched Alex in the face causing him to stumble back.

"Please. Don't touch me. Ever. In your lifetime. Again." I said slowly.

"What happened?" Paul asked.

"Nothing I wasn't ready for." I said as Alex went to the bathroom to clean the blood.

"What do mean?" Derek asked.

"She means he kissed the girl." Andrea said.

"Can't say I didn't see it coming. I'm a fucked up girl so I'm ok." I said smiling.

"Oh we know. But will he?" Derek asked.

"No don't hurt him. I still love him. You can just leave him alone." I said.

He came back out and sat next to me awkwardly.

"Did you cheat?" Derek asked.

"Derek leave him alone. I'm a fucked up girl who didn't even know who her father was at one point." I said.

"Why do you still defend him?" Derek snapped.

"Maybe because I love him. Just because he cheated doesn't mean I automatically hate him. My heart doesn't work like that." I said.

Derek sighed and continued eating his food. Alex looked like he felt guilty.

I put the plates in the sink and started washing before Derek could object and dried the plates. I walked upstairs to go read a book.

"Avery." Alex said.

"Damn I fucking left you alone and defended you what the hell do you want from my fucked up ass?" I asked.

"You Avery." Alex said.

"Great want you too but we don't always get what we want." I said reading my book.

"Avery I didn't kiss her. I was going to push her I was stunned." Alex said.

"Alex do you mind? I don't like liars." I said.

"I'm not lying Avery." Alex said.

"What the hell are you fighting for? I'm a fucked up girl. Please find someone who's as good as you." I said.

"But your as good as me. Hell you're better than me." Alex said.

"I still don't like liars. Or cheaters in that matter. You can go have fun with the girl my friend. I'll see you around." I said and pecked his cheek.

"No you said you'd never leave me." Alex said.

"But you cheated." I said.

"I didn't kiss her." Alex said.

"I gotta go." I said.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"Because I love you." Alex said.

"You're not aloud to tell me that anymore." I said.

Alex laughed.

"I'm not letting you go." Alex said.

"You kinda did." I said.

"I didn't kiss her." Alex said.

"Good night friend." I said and messed up his hair and went to go change into my pajamas.

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