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What is Perfect?

Is it what we do or say, or the way each other behave?

Is it a form if power and set demise?

How can we be perfect when it is too dull?

Being perfect is no fun. It's not at all.

Doing the things a little too right and not going through the process of fun?

Being perfect isn't what it is cut out to be.

Everybody will either be perfectly good or perfectly bad.

Nothing will be able to stand out or even run amuck

We are not to live in perfect because it is out of our reach

But we so as we may in order to be in a perfect world

Having the proper decorum and being able to solidify the aspects of truth

Being able to show what is right and wrong despite our emotions

Perfection isn't the way to a perfect world but to a boring one

Who would want to live in a ace where everybody does the same thing so good

Dont live up to perfect it's self if that's what you think is well perfect

Be a realist for onc instead of your critism

For once, you could forget this ideal that is more surreal

I am a culmination of my flaws, my perfection is a lost cause.

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