Chapter 1

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"Pete! You're going to your mom's tomorrow!" My dad shouted from the kitchen downstairs.

Oh fun, my mom lives all the way in Chicago. She just moved, too. She keeps going on about how much fun I'll have there, and how well she thinks I will get along with her neighbor, who is about my age.

I packed clothes and all of mine and Patrick's favorite CDs. "We haven't been to Chicago in so long!" Patrick said excitedly as he tossed his hat up and down in the air.

"I know! I'm kinda excited, too." I told him, snatching his hat out of the air and plopping in on my short black hair.

-the next day-

Patrick and I boarded the plane the next afternoon. I took a window seat. Luckily, nobody sat next to me so Patrick would have somewhere to sit. He was really excited and talked the whole time and I just nodded and smiled. He had such a bubbly personality.

The plane touched down 2 hours later and I got off to meet my mom at the gates.

"Oh! Pete! Look at you! You've grown so much!" She said and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. "You're gonna enjoy your stay a lot! Our neighbors have a son, about your age. He listens to some of the bands you always make me buy you CDs for. Was it Linkin Park or something?" She asked and I nodded.

Patrick smiled widely. Linkin Park was his favorite band, I didn't like them so much, but they were Patrick's favorite.

I need a cover for this, I'm too lazy, so if you're up to it message me, Pete and Patrick are in SRAR era

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