Chapter 6

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After Jesse left, I looked down blushing because of that wink. Nothing was going to happen. I think. I mean, we just met. He was going to kiss me though. I don't know what's going on. As much as I love Adam, I am a fangirl and only know what he wants people knowing. I would want to get to know him better before anything happened like that, which it won't.

Adam says something about having to get ready and left to get dressed and all that. I got dressed again after he walked out and was left sitting in this trailer, waiting for him to come back.

A few hour pass by. I had gotten bored and grabbed one of the guitars to play. I strummed a few notes, thinking of a song to play. The notes slowly turned into She's a Rebel by Green Day. As I got going, I found myself humming the lyrics. I jumped a bit when I heard some one clap. I looked up to see James Valentine standing there.

"You're good at that. Do you know any others?" he asked. I nodded a bit, not trusting my voice. James is my favorite in the band, followed by Adam. I got into playing guitar from him, which lead me into singing. My life today started from him. How could I not be nervous? He started my life.

He smiled a bit before asking, "What other songs can you play?"

It took me a seconds to respond to him. "I, um, I know most Maroon 5 songs, some OneRepublic, some Panic! At The Disco, and a little bit of Green Day," I said without even stuttering, which surprised me a little.

"Nice. You can play some for me after the show. I just came here because Adam said to come and get you so he could get you to your seat," he stated.

I nodded in thanks and got up to follow him. As we were walking to the seats, I felt my butt buzz. I pulled my phone out and saw a texts from Page.

Hey, I can't make it to the concert today. I got sick last night and thought it best not to go today. I gave the ticket to Angel so you won't be alone. Even though you know Adam freaking Levine, you won't be next to him. Have fun!

Okay. Feel better.

I was upset that she couldn't make it, but hey, I'll get to see Angel again. Either way, I get to see Maroon 5 tonight and I'm excited.

Heyyyyyy would you look at that! An update that took forever! Sorry about that. A lot is going on in my life at the moment. I couldn't think of anything to write at first, but I was talking to my friend mikkiemonster11NEW and I got a few ideas. I'll try to write more, but no promises. Until next time!

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