And how am I supposed to play with a broken nail?!

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"And you shut up!"

The high-pitched voice echoed through the appartment. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he ran towards the exit. 'I don't want to! I don't want to!' The thin voice repeated the sentence over and over again in his head. How could he be so stupid? He had drunk more than enough already. The headache was almost tearing him apart.

A cold hand slapped him hard over the cheek and he fell to the ground. The older one sat down over his back. Tears kept streaming down his cheeks. 'No, no. Just no.' The older one leant forwards, and he could feel his breath against his own neck. The older ones breath smelled of alcohol, as his own.

"I DON'T WANT TO!" the younger one screamed for everything he was worth. "I DON'T WANT TO!"

But it was to late. The older one had started to undo the corset that was covering his chest.


It was 6AM and the annoying sound of the alarm clock was echoing through the appartment. A pale hand reached out from the comfortable and warm blankets, searching for that damned clock, but it was nowhere to find. With an annoyed sigh, Hizaki sat up in his bed. Why so early? His schedule probably hated him.

He put down his feet on the floor, to feel that damned alarm clock which was beeping even more annoyingly at him, like it was mad at him or something. He shut of the noise, threw the clock at his bed and gave it the finger, for destroying his sleep.

He got to the bathroom and took a hot shower. Soon the bathroom was filled with the sent of his favorite shampoo, sweet roses.

After almost an hour in the bathroom, he was finally able to get some breakfast. He had prepared sandwiches the evening before, to save some time. He turned on the kettle and took down a cup from the shelf. He picked a tea without looking, and pulled up a bag of earl grey. (Note: Idek if that's a tea after all oops//Tezz(author)) When the water was done, he poured it up in the cup, and dipped the teabag in it.

When he was done with breakfast, he started to walk towards the studio where he was going to meet up with his bandmates. He was early. Only Jasmine was there already.

Hizaki greeted his friend with a bright smile.

"Morning!" he said and smiled back at Hizaki.

Jasmine had spent the entire night trying to get the computers in the studio to cooperate with them, but for some reason the brunette didn't look tired at all.

Hizaki seated himself beside Jasmine on the sofa, and started to chat with him. Clothes was the topic, mainly dresses since they both were crossdressers.

After a while Teru, the guitarist, and Yuki, the drummer, arrived to the studio. They greeted the two feminine ones and sat down to wait for Kamijo and Kaya, who was helping the band with backup vocals.

The clock was around 9AM when Kamijo finally arrived.

"Ready to record guys?" he asked as he walked into the room.

Hizaki got up from the sofa, all exited, and walked over to the case where his guitar was stored. He opened it carefully and picked up the guitar. He closed the case as carefully as he could, but in some weird way, he managed to get the case shut over the tip of his nail, which broke.

"Fuck!" he cursed out loud.

"What is it now?" Jasmine asked, a little bit annoyed.

"I broke my nail!" Hizaki complained.

"Oh, I thought the strings had given up on you," Jasmine replied.


"What about using one of your eleven picks?" Jasmine asked calmly.

"Ok, mum," Hizaki replied and rolled his eyes at Jasmine.

Jasmine giggled.

"You really think you can make me think you're mad at me?" he asked and smiled at his friend.

"No, but I thought you were mad at me," Hizaki replied and smiled as he took a pick from the case.

"What about saving the play-fights for later and record some solos now?" Yuki asked.

"But Kaya then?" Teru asked and looked at Kamijo as if he should know everything.

"Kaya won't be coming today," the older one replied. "He's got a bad hangover."

Jasmine let out a sigh.

"I told him to stay away from drinking," he complained. "He promised me to not. Oh dear god, something, or someone, must've teased him! Poor boy!"

Jasmine truly cared for Kaya. He almost saw him as a younger sister. He had told the vocalist to not go clubbing when there was work to be done. He couldn't stop thinking about why the vocalist has drink so much that he didn't even manage to get to work. What could have happened?

(Note: So! This is the first part of my little fanfiction (oh dear god please don't let people I know irl find this or else I'll die!!) and I really hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing! Please leave comments and opinions, I'd really appreciate hearing what You think (^-^)//Tezz)

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