The day I was born

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The day I was born was the beginning of my personal hell. They never knew Bella was going to have twins. So naturally they took me out of her stomache when it was too late. Edward's venom already reached Bella's heart when he heard my cries. So when he pulled me out all I saw was hatred in his eyes. He threw me on the ground so hard I broke a few bones. " You're the reason Bella has to endure all this pain and become the thing she was not ready to become yet. You pest!" I tried to crawl away but it was a little hard being a new born. "You're the one that broke her spine. If you didn't exist she would've survived. She could've handled one baby but no. You just had to exist didn't you. I'm going to kill you like you killed her." with that said he grabbed a knife and stabbed me in the left corner of my stomache where my organs are. Because I was a baby it scarred me and left me with the memory. I was surprisingly intelligent at that age. Knew stuff some adults don't even know. So from there on I learned to take care of myself. To survive. I'm a warrior. They always beat me. The cullens. Even the so called kind Esme and Dr.Carlisle. The reasonable and peace maker. They abused me physically and mentally.

Today I was cleaning up the house and Renesmee's toys in the living room. I never got toys. I was even lucky if I got a small sip of blood once a week. It's amazing how I can function with so little blood and survive. But that also makes me weak. Really weak. Not enough strength to fight back. That's exactly what they wanted. They only keep me alive because 'Nessie' likes to make my life hell and they find it amusing. Anyway, while I was cleaning up Jacob, Bella and Renemee came rushing in the door. Edward must've read their mind because he went paler than normal. If that's possible. Bella told them what happened while Renesmee was kicking me and pushing me down on the floor. Carlisle calmed their worries while Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice laughed at me being hurt by my twin. Because they didn't name me, Emmett called me by their normal addressment. "Hey bitch. You missed a spot he said throwing a bottle at me. It crashed on the floor while pieces of it flew into my skin. I knew not to cry out or it will only cause them to cause me more pain.

That night I had trouble sleeping. I was excited. Why? You ask. Well tomorrow the whole family will go hunting. Renesmee will be staying with the pack leaving me on my own. I'll be going to my secret place tomorrow. A secret lake no one knows about. Can not wait.

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