Let Me Be The One

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'We just have to say our love was true but has now become a lie.'

-Jimmy Bondoc

PS: Before you read this, please please please listen to the song at the side. :)) hehee 

☮ Let Me Be The One ☮ 

I remember that day we met.

I was just a boy who never once gave love a chance.

The boy who also had these walls around me to keep those things away from me.

 But I guess they weren’t sturdy enough because you still managed to break through.


You might call yourself as just the girl who believed in love with all her heart and dreamt of that happily ever after.

But to me, you were THE girl who got the best of me and stole my heart every single time.

But you were also the girl who broke my heart.

Maybe it was the time.

Or maybe the place.

Maybe it was you.

Or maybe it was me.

Either way, we both figured out that it wasn’t meant to be.

So maybe it was our love.

And that it was never enough.

We both started out as the typical cliché couple who would be with each other and make each other happy.

You never once failed to do just that.

Because as crazy and mushy and cliché it might sound, you honestly, had me wrapped around your little finger.

You knew that I would do anything to make you smile.

That I’d never do anything to make you cry.

I’d make you mad and just kiss away your anger.

You knew that I’d sail through anything just to be with you.

I knew all these too and before, it scared me.

Because love can be as painful and bitter as our senses could endure.

But, I never had any ideas of that because you once told me that love would never be love if we don’t feel pain.  

And I believed you.

We fight.

There’s pain.

It’s love.

We argue.

We hurt.

There’s love.

We break up.

We cry.

It’s love.

You also told me that our love would last till the last person on earth dies. Simply because we were meant to be.

But now I guess, maybe we were never meant to be.

Because our love didn’t even survive 2012.

We fought as hard as we could but even that wasn’t enough.

No fight, war and battle is enough if what we are fighting for is slowly fading away.

No signs were given.

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