June 1st, 2016

52 2 0

The rooms have been quiet these days. Rain has decided to cover our part of California. The furniture has been untouched. Weeps haunt the night, every night. It has been 12 days. These days have been torturous. I have been home everyday, taking care of Ashely. Her stomach has flattened. Her body shriddled up into a fragile twig. She never left her room. She didn't want to eat. She barely wanted to see people. Kaylee came in every few hours to check up. On both of us really. I have been getting the cold these few days. It's unusual for me too. I stay in bed and get up every few minutes to pee or to eat jello, which is the only thing I could manage to eat. Jamie spends a lot of time with Marco. He's taking it bad too. He hasn't been to school since then. Ashely doesn't even want to continue with school right now. Her birthday past on the 25th. She locked herself in the room that day and didn't come out. Jamie said Marco also stayed in his room and his parents have been worried. We have to do something about this.
Today was bearable. I was finally able to talk a little and used less tissues than usual. I got out of bed and walked to Ashely's room to check on her. I found her looking out the window. She didn't say anything, she was just looking at the sky, it was raising and she watched the water drips go down. She turned when she heard my footsteps.
"Hi." She said and it was the first time I heard her talk since the hospital.
"Hi." I say. I walk towards her and we stare out the window.
"It's funny. The darkest weather appears on my darkest moment." She says. I frown. I grab her hand like how we used to when we were kids. We stayed silent for a few minutes which felt like hours.
"I only got to hold her once. They had to take her out of me... She was so small. Too small. I could hold her with one hand." She says and she hold up her hand in gesture. I continue frowning.
"Marco couldn't bare to see her without it turning it into another sob." She says shrugging.
"I'm sorry Ashely. I'm sorry this happened to you. We are both so young, and it for it to happen at this time... I'm really sorry." I say.
"Don't be. It wasn't your fault. You had your doubts on Marco sometimes and I should have listen to you then. I should have just moved on and took care of her myself." She said her voice cracking.
"Marco wasn't bad. I had my doubts for a second because of what he said. What he did was stupid and unnecessary. I talked to him a few days after the argument. He told me he was confused on everything and I explained it better. He said he was trying to find a way to make it up to you. About everything. I'm sorry it was to late." I whisper at the end.
"No it's cool. He got what he wanted." She says.
"Did you see his reaction when he saw you? When he saw the screen? He obviously cared for both of you!" I say.
"But where was he at Caro? Where was he when I needed him the most? I became depressed and it effected my baby and she died!" She sobs. And I sigh and hug her.
"Please don't cry. I'm not taking sides but I just want you to know that he did care." I say.
"And I cared too. But it didn't seem like he cared." She says and cries more.
"It's okay. We both know your baby is up in heaven now. She loves you and Marco and she just wants you to be happy. Soon." I say and she sobs again.
"I just loved her so much!" She says.
"Shh shh. I know." I say and we stay in her bed cradling her in my arms. It finally seemed like she drifted into sleep so I fixed her in her bed and tucked her. Then I heard her small voice.
"Bye Carmen..."
My eyes widen and sighed. I took a deep breath and walked out the room and went to the kitchen to make some tea.
"How is she?" Jamie asks as I lay in bed watching tv.
"A little better. She finally talked. And Marco?" I ask.
"Okay. He's starting to talk a little more. Finally got out of bed and ate something that wasn't hot Cheetos or beer." He says and I knew he shrugged.
"Improvement. Has he talked about the baby?" I ask.
"He just said that he missed her." He says.
"Oh." I say.
"And Ashely?" He asks.
"Yes. Surprised she even mentioned her." I say.
"Did she take her meds?" He asks.
"Yes, this morning. And Marco?" I ask.
"Same." He says.
"Okay, then their fine." I say.
"Yes. How are you?" He asks.
"I'm fine. Better today. The girls, well they still love kicking." I say shrugging.
"That's good. Have you gone to work yet?" He asks.
"Not yet. Have you?" I ask. He already went back to school last Wednesday.
"Yes. I actually have to figure out my shifts, do you want to do the birthing classes?" He asks.
"I do but can we? The fee is $150, I know we can do that, but leaving Marco and Ashely alone?" I ask.
"They'll be fine. It's okay. It's only for an hour and a half twice a week. Plus they are going to need to start going to therapy, remember?" He says and I remembered. They had it different days but I'm going to have to be in charge of that.
"Ya I know. Okay then ya, we can do it." I say.
"Okay good. Well then I'll go put it on my schedule and we can sign up tomorrow. Is that okay?" He asks.
"Ya that's great." I say.
"Okay, imma go. I love you." He says.
"Love you too, bye." I say and hang up. So many things.
Ashely's POV
I fix up dinner that day. 3 plates. One for me, one for Marco, one for Carmen. I was in the kitchen happily placing the plates on the table. I heard Marco and Carmen running around and I heard her loud giggles around the room. I smile and stare at them. My beautiful family.
"Mami Mami!" My little Carmen calls. I squat down and open my arms and she runs into them.
"Hi baby, how are you?" I ask fixing her beautiful dark brown hair. She has her dads eyes.
"I'm going to die." She says and my eyes widen. I push her away but held on to her arms.
"Carmen don't you ever say that again! Please don't leave me!" I scream and I felt the sobs.
"It's okay mommy, I'll always be right here." She says and she presses her small hand on my heart. My sobbing became louder and I grabbed her and held her close to me.
"My baby!" I scream and sob
"I love you mommy." I hear my baby girl say and she disappeared from my arms. NO!!! MY BABY!! MY BABY GIRL!! PLEASE COME BACK!!...
I wake up screaming and crying. I threw my pillow across the floor and continue sobbing. How can I live?! Why was this taken away from me!? I just want to die! I just want to die...
Caro's POV
I hear the door knock and I walk towards it. I swing it open and Kaylee is there waiting.
"Hi." I say.
"Hi, how are you? You shouldn't be up." She says frowning and walking in.
"What do you expect? Ashely happily walking to the door and opening it with a smile on her face and think everything is okay?" I snap. She raises her eyebrows and gives me the looks. I sigh and rub my face.
"I'm sorry, I've just haven't gotten enough sleep and Ashely wakes me up with the cries and screams, and the girls never stop moving and my back hurts and my headaches hove gotten worse and I don't stop coughing..." I went on and on with my problems and Kaylee places things on the table. I finally look at the time. It's 12:48 in the morning. Why is Kaylee here?
"Wait Kaylee, why are you here this early?" I ask.
"I just wanted to check on you guys."  She says shrugging.
"And why are you up?" She asks concerning. I look at her.
"Did you not just hear all my complains right now? I decided to just stay in the living room and watch Netflix. I didn't even realize what time it was." I say shrugging.
"Oh, well I'll go, I just wanted to check up. Have a good night." She says with a smile and closes the door behind her. I sigh and lay on the couch. When will the hurricane pass?

Heyy guys!! I hope you guys liked this chapter! Kind of touchy right? Poor Ashely:( well Caro's sassyness finally kicked in her pregnancy so I hope it goes on for a while. Anyways please comment and vote! Love you!!

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