Farkas x Reader

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The spacing in this one is all messed up. So is the past and present text format. I apologize for that, I tried my best to fix it. I'm not the best at second person writing.

"Hey, (y/n), wake up," Ria shook you in your cot, allowing you to let out a groan of annoyance. Didn't anybody know not to wake you up?
"What?" You frown at her, eyes barely open.
"Skjor said you're having a meeting outside in the training yard. Told me to come get you."
You roll your eyes, sitting up. "Make yourself useful and get my armor," you instruct her, Ria nodding and moving to the corner of the barracks. You sat up, rubbing your eyes sleepily as Ria returned with your wolf armor. With a quick nod, she left you alone, leaving the barracks. Silently, you get dressed, exiting with a frown.
So far, your day was shit. You were planning on sleeping in. Damnit.
You storm up the stairs, Njada already glaring at you. You flip her off, storming outside.
"What the hell do you want?!" You demand, only Farkas being outside.
Farkas. Basically your puppy. Your cute, little, lovable, kind puppy. Immediately, you go soft.
"Hey, what do you need?" You smile, though Farkas didn't smile back. He silently motions you to follow, causing you to worry.
"What's wrong?" You try again, but he remains silent. "Where's Skjor?"
Still, nothing.
"Farkas," you say sternly, grabbing his arm. You were very protective of him, and only him. If someone messed with him, they met your fist. Sometimes your blade.
"Skjor isn't here. I sent Ria to get you. We need to talk," he admits, clouds of stress in his eyes. You nod, continuing to follow him.
He leads you under the Under Forge, turning to you once you were alone.
"Now can you tell me?" You cross your arms, looking up at him. You were a bit shorter than him, but didn't mind. Hugging him was great, he was the perfect hugger.
He let out a sigh, looking at you with sad eyes. "Vilkas and I are leaving. We're going on a dangerous trip, but we will get a lot of gold out of it. It'll help the Companions."
Leaving? Without you?
"Farkas," you frown, "you're not leaving. Not without me. I-"
"(Y/n)," he interrupts you, "you can't go. Vilkas and I are werewolves, we have to go. You refused to become one of the Circle, you can't go."
"Then make me part of the circle," you say sternly. "Right here. Right now."
"It.. isn't that easy," he says slowly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm not letting you leave," you growl.
"This is my goodbye, (y/n)," Farkas says gently. "Please don't make it harder than it is. I know the mission is dangerous, but Vilkas and I can take care of ourselves. I'll be back within the month."
"If you aren't back by the end of Frosts Fall, I'm coming to get your ass," you promise, nodding breifly.
"I'll be back before then, okay?" He gently pulls you into a hug, and you don't hesitate to hug back.
You would definitely miss him. Him and Vilkas both. But mostly him.
You nod against him, closing your eyes, embracing the moment you were safe in his strong arms.
"I need to go," he whispers into your ear softly, and you nod, reluctantly letting go of him.
You already missed him.
"Be careful. Come back in one piece," you say, and he nodded with a small smile.
"I promise."
~time skip to 13 days later~
Everyone knew how pissed you were about the brothers leaving. In two days, Frosts Fall ended, and neither of the two were back. You prepared to leave, having promised Farkas you would go save his ass if he wasn't back, but was interrupted when Kodlack calmly walked into the barracks, looking at you with soft eyes.
"(Y/n)..." he says quietly as you looked over.
"What?" You ask flatly, crossing your arms. "Can't you see that I'm busy?"
Kodlack nodded briefly, stepping to the side to reveal... Vilkas? What was he doing there? Where was-
"Where's Farkas?" You demand, already shaking.
Vilkas had sad eyes, looking weak for the first time.
"He's here. He has to be!" You push passed them, hurrying up the stairs. "Farkas!" You kept shouting his name, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"(Y/n)! Stop!" Vilkas grabs your shoulder, spinning you around to face him. Your face was stained with tears, eyes red and slightly swollen. You felt like shit. More than shit.
"Where is he?" You ask quietly, your lip quivering.
"Not here," Vilkas says in a monotone, looking away. "He didn't make it, (y/n), I'm sorry..."
You quickly pull away from Vilkas, wanting to rip his head off.
Farkas was dead.
"Kodlack!" You shout, running back downstairs. "Where did you send them?!"
"Continue down the path from the West Watchtower. There will be a bandit camp, so be careful. Continue down the path until you get to a cave. You'll know which one it is because it'll reek of Falmer. Enter the cave and... good luck," Kodlack says as soon as you came into view. Remembering the information, you nod, quickly running back up the stairs, darting out the door.
The streets of Whiterun weren't very busy, making it easy to dash down the steps, running out the gates.
Hours pass, probably about 3 since you stepped outiside of Jorrvaskr, the sky getting darker. You raid the camp, only to find a couple bandits left, and easily finished them off. You continue down the path, already smelling the Falmer.
Well, shit. This'll be great...
But it's for Farkas, so tough it out.
You kept pushing on until you entered the cave, gagging at the stench.
"Farkas!" You scream, not caring if you drew the Falmer's attention. They were blind bitches anyway.
You, now silent, quickly made your way through the cave, seeing no Falmer. Yet. You bit your lip, enough to draw some blood, which you stupidly think little about. The Falmer could smell the blood, but you couldn't have cared less. One thing was on your mind, and that was Farkas. Your Farkas. Your not-dead Farkas.
You come across a rock cliff, the drop about 15 feet, the jump about 20. You couldn't jump across that whole thing, you wo-
"H-help!" You hear a cough, recognizing it immediately. It was.... Farkas. And it was from the tunnel over the jump.
"Farkas!" You scream, backing up. You quickly ran, leaping off the cliff, though your foot got caught on a boulder, causing you to fall the 15 feet down. You scream, limbs flailing in the air for something- *anything*- to grasp onto.
Your side lands on a spear sticking out from the ground, as sharp as a dagger, as thin as a shiv. It lodged itself into your leg, your body reacting by jerking a little as you scream in pain.
"(Y/n)!" Farkas shouts. He knew you were there.
He was alive at least.
"F-Farkas!" You scream, holding your leg tightly. You hear rustling, and a few hisses. Guess who else knew you were here?
The fucking Falmer.
Tears from the pain rushed to your eyes, blurring your vision. You were done for. The hisses, grunts, and screams of the Fal-
Wait, what?
Screams? Of pain? From the Falmer?
Blinking away the tears, you look up, seeing Farkas hit a Falmer with a large boulder. His armor was smeared in blood, as was his face, open wounds with blood pouring out of them all over his body. His skin was paler than normal, having lost a lot of blood.
Soon enough, he was by your side, mumbling a few words under his breath before lifting you gently.
"Farkas," you murmur, automatically hugging him tightly. Everything hurt from the fall, and you were sure he was in pain too, but you both stood in silence, panting, and hugging.
After a few moments of silence, your eyes rake over him.
"Will you be alright?" You ask quietly.
"I... I dunno," he admits, making you worry.
"Why didn't you come back with Farkas?" You ask.
"He must have thought I was either dead or gonna be dead," Farkas sighs. "We split and... we couldn't find each other. I'm glad he's safe though. You, on the other hand," he frown. "Don't you be coming after me again, understand?"
"Nope," you crack a smile, though winced at the pain in your leg.
Farkas sighs, gently lifting you once more as you direct him out of the cave.
Soon, you arrive back at Jorrvaskr. Everyone babied the both of you to make sure you were okay.
After a few hours, it was about midnight as you crept silently through the halls of Jorrvaskr, cautiously opening Farkas's door.
He was surprisingly awake, looking over at you.
"Are you alright, (y/n)? Need anything?"
You swallow hard, closing the door behind you.
"You," you look at him dead in the eye. "I need you. Here. Safe. Not out there. I thought you were dead."
He let out a sigh, motioning you over. You obey, slowly moving to him. He sat you down on his bed next to him, looking you with soft eyes. God, he was such a puppy.
"I'm not dead. I'm safe here," he sayd gently.
"Exactly!" You interrupt. "You're safe *here* not out *there*."
"Sometimes, (y/n), we need to make sacrifices," he responds, voice still soft like a hare's fur.
"I know all about sacrifices," you retort.
"You know of loss," he said quietly. You had told him about how you lost your parents to a vampire attack. It always brought horrible nightmares to you.
"Sacrifice is a choice you make, while loss is a choice made for you."
"And I don't want to lose you, so I'm not willing to sacrifice you!" You cry out. He sighs, knowing he couldn't win an argument with you. Sometimes, you were too damn difficult. He wraps you in a tight hug, hand in your hair.
"I'm part of the Companions, (y/n). This is going to happen," he whispers.
"But I don't want it to," you whisper back, the two of you slowly parting until your foreheads are touching.
When did this happen? He was now straddling you, your lips having connected with his, your hand ruffling into his hair as he leaned into you even more.
"Don't tell Vilkas," he whispers against your lips with a small smile.
Oh hell yeah. Hell. Yeah.
"Wasn't planning on it," you smile back.
See, with Farkas, you were basically bipolar. You could be crying one minute and... fucking Farkas the next. Exhibit A.

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