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Obama was in the whitehouse watching the news. He sees Trump on CNN. Trump says," We should prove that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii."Of couse Obama was mad. He flew himself to neverland. He found Captin Hook. He agreed to give Hook the booty if Hook took down Trump. A few days later with a small loan of a million dollars he flew himself to the USA. Hook manged to find Trump. He started to talk to him. Trump got flattered by his Hook. He started to love Hook. Hook told Obama he couldn't take it anymore. Trump was flirtting with him and Hook got tired. " I'm not gonna date that racist man " , Hook said. Obama said, " Fine I'll deal with him." Obama then assassnates Hook. Two days later Obama finds Trump at a BBQ for rich people. Trump whispered in his ear, " I will find out youre not hawaiian bread -_-" Obama feels threatended. He then tells Trump, " shshhshshshshshshhshs it'll be ok" Trump then starts to like Obama as a friend. A couple of months later they become the 2 bestest friends you can imagne. Trump starts to feel butterflys in his stomach. He starts to love obama. He becomes scared and stopped talking. A few laters he grew the man hairs the ask out Obama. Obama agrees. They live happliy ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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