Chapter 1

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Aelita's POV

Waking up to loud rain hitting my home and window is the perfect Monday. Dark, grey skies and no sun. As a bonus: the rain sort of look like snow.

Slowly sitting up from my bed, I look at my small, white clock. It had small snowflake pattern and small bunny stickers.

'6:30...' I read to myself.

As I was getting up, a loud crash came from outside my room. Giving a blunt look at my door, I slowly walked out of my room and started hearing loud yelling.






As I walk down stairs, I see my two younger sisters arguing. One was only 3 years younger while the other one was 6 years younger. The 10-year-old girl has long, pink hair with matching blood red eyes. She wore a white dress that was to short for her own good.

The youngest has a pixie-cut orange hair with bright yellow-orange eyes. Her clothes were a white tank-top with white, sport shorts. She was tanner than me and my pink hair sister.

"What're you two arguing about...?" I ask them.

"Big Sis Mi lost my lighter!" My youngest sister yells at me.

"No I didn't! Alex is lying!" Miya protests to Alex.

"NO I'M NOT!!" She yells even louder than from earlier.

"Alexandra, your lighter is on your nightstand." A voice spoke behind me, "You should know not to come out of your room on rainy days."

"I don't care!" Alex yells, "And my names not Alexandra! IT'S ALEX!!" She screams.

"Oh my god! Shut up before Alice drowns you!" Miya covers her ears.

"Another normal morning..." I muttered to myself.

"You call this normal?" Alice questions. She moves some of her really long, brown hair out of her face and adjusts her glasses. The color of the frames brought her ocean blue eyes out more.

"Yes..." I replied quietly. I wasn't the one for talking loudly since I sort of, almost lost my voice about 8 years ago.

I walk into the kitchen to open the fri-

"Btw, we're out of pudding since Alex ate it out of anger!" Miya announced.

"What?" I slam the fridge door shut.

"Alex ate the last one." Miya repeated.

I went over to the kitchen towels and grab a white one. As I proceeded to the living room where everyone is, I started to wrap the towel like a rope.

Entering the room, I glare at my youngest sister, "You ate the last pudding...?"

"Yeah. So?" She snapped at me.

"That was my pudding which I saved for today..." I continued to walk up to her, "And you ate it, knowing it was mine...?"

"Yeah! I don't care!" She snapped again.

"Fight! Fight!" Miya started chanting.

"Don't start choking anyone again, Aelita! You have school!" Alice claims.

"I know and I don't care right now..." I wrap the towel around my little sisters neck, "She ate my vanilla pudding..."


"ACHOO!" I sneezed.

After a 30 minute walk in the rain without an umbrella to school was a bad idea. I didn't care because my umbrella got stolen.

"What's the matter Stones? Too poor to get an umbrella?" Someone from the sidelines mock at me.

"No. Just saving umbrellas to those who can't afford one like you for an example." I remarked.

They gave a 'Agh!' and walks off away from me. I smirk at my victory and sigh at my despair.

"You know what time it is." Someone spoke behind me.


"ACHOO!" Sneezing again.

This time, I was on the school roof and getting soak in the rain. Being locked on the school roof was a daily thing for me, so I was used to it.

"Might as well sleep this off..." I mumbled to myself.

Walking to one of the benches and crawling under them to stay dry and sort of warm was sort of a good idea.

"Sweet Dreams, my angel..." I mumbled to myself sadly.

I close my eyes and escape to my dreams of nothing but snow and ice.

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