Chapter 3: Trying to bust Anti Cosmo out:

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I don't want to do this but, if it's to keep Cosmo as my godfather, then I have to do it. Foop looked around scared, like he knew something was going to get us. I looked the same way he was looking but, there was nothing there.
"Foop, we're fine." I said.
"If you say so Turner." Foop replied.
Foop grunted as he fell down to the ground. Foop was covered with his blood and had bruises from his chest to his toes. I even saw blood coming down his neck. Foop tried to stay awake but, he fell asleep four seconds later.
I ran as fast as I could to get away from my exe. I gasped as the fire came into my lungs and I started coughing like crazy! I fell down and I started puking blood out.
"Foop! Foop!" I could hear papa's voice. I started to cry and I wanted my dad.
"Daddy! Daddy!" I screamed and started crying harder.
I opened my eyes to see papa holding me in a tight grip while crying himself. I nuzzled his chest and papa nuzzled me back. I then curled up in a ball while snuggling in his red jail clothes.
"I'm here baby boy, dada's here." Papa cooed down to me while he letted his own tears roll down his face. Papa wiped the blood of my mouth and throat and wrapped me in one of his jail clothes and cradled me.
I purred as papa licked my right ear and pulled my baby bottle out and fed me some milk. I closed my eyes and continued purring in my sleep.
The end!

Balloons Volume 1: Baby Papa / The Gland Plan:Where stories live. Discover now