Chapter 28

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10 Years later

Arizona pov.
"Sam! Come on let's go!" I grab his toys from the play pin, and walk out side to put them in the car.
For the love of God this puppy is going to kill me. He doesn't listen.
I walk back inside the house to get him.
"Who wants a treat?!" He comes running out of the room to where I am. I give him the treat and take him to the car.
Iv been battling with depression for ten years now, and finally took my shrinks advice and got a dog. He is a brindle full bread Great Dane and only 5 months old which means a lot of time spent at the dog park. I drive down the road from my house about ten minutes we are at the park. We get out of the car and go to our original spot.
I see these people everyday, the same one with the same dogs. But I haven't seen this woman.
She has a husky I think and she's with a kid, it might be hers who knows.
But she's freaking beautiful tan skin, amazing black hair just beautiful, I mean she's not that far away from me so I can see her. Part of me thinks I know her from somewhere, but I just brush it off. It's probably nothing.

I throw his ball, it's one if his favorites. We do this for about 20 mins. This whole time iv been watching that lady. She's playing frisbee with the kid and the dog is trying to catch it. Honestly it's pretty funny.

*Buzz buzz*

"Hey tedds what's up?"

"What are you doing at this moment?"

"Dog park. Why?"

"Text me where and I'll show you."

"Okay.." And I hang up.
Thank good for her because back in hs when Timmy died, and the accident. Teddy has been by my side ever since. I love her, she's like a sister to me. It's amazing really.

I continue to watch the lady while Sam is laying down next to me. I swear I know her from somewhere. I don't know why she just looks recognizable.

5 mins later teddy is here.
"Hey Zona, so guess what." She sits down right next to me and Sam goes up to her so she starts petting him.

"What?" I question

"This is what happened. I wasn't sure if it was real so I waited until I can really see it for myself." I look at her, she takes a photo out of her back pocket and shows it to me.
It's a sonogram photo of a tiny human.

"Oh my god Teddy? Your pregnant! Congrats!" She starts to laugh.
"Does Dean know?"

"No I wanted to wait until I knew it was true, your the first person iv told but when I go home to him, I'm going to put the pregnancy test and this photo on a plate and give it to him for dinner."

"This is really good, that's smart and pretty perfect for him." We both laugh.
"Oh my your gonna be a mother and dean is gonna be a dad."

"Yea, and your gonna be the God Mother."

I was shocked. And honored.
I give her the look.

"That doesn't mean you can spoil the thing and stuff." She says

"That's exactly what it means. I'll be honored to be the god mother of your tiny human."
I was gonna stare back a the lady but she was gone.

"What is it Zona?" Teddy sees it.

"What?" I look at her.

"You seem disappointed in something, so tell me."

"Ugh okay, there was this lady earlier and she was freaking beautiful you know, but like it felt like I have seen her before. I just don't know where."

"I see, maybe it's nothing you know. Come back tomorrow and see if she's here and if so just talk to her. I have to go tell dean, but I love you Zona." She gets up and started walking.

"Your always 59% right! Love you too tedds!" I yell at her and she waves goodbye.

Callie pov.
It's been a month since I moved back to Seattle with my son Austin. Who is five years old. He is the cutest thing ever.
I came back for a medical examiners job at the hospital so this should be good. It turns out Mark works there, let's just hope we remembers me.

"Hey! Kid, help me get the dog stuff for the park. We are going to a new one." I tell him.

"Mkay mama." He says coming from his room with the dog toys.

"But them in the car baby." I tell him and he nods
I get Duke and put him in the car next to Austin.

"Mama, seabelt.?"

"Yes little man I'm coming." I shut the door and go to the other side.

"How do you like it here?" I ask him while strapping him in.

"It nice, we do lots of fun things!" He says happily.

"Yes we do." I give him a kiss on his forehead. I shut the door and go into mine and drive to the park.

Duke is the best dog for him, the best husky. One blue eye one brown.

Within 5 mins we are there.
I unbuckle Austin and get duke.

"It's a big park mama, are we gonna play freebee?" I grab his hand with one of my hands and the other I grab the toys. Duke listens so there no need for a dog leach.

"Yes bud,"

"Yay!" He says.
We walk and find a spot and start playing.
It didn't take long for other people to come. It's normal, all different types of people with all their different pets.

But one of them stood out. She's been here for like ten minutes or so, I catch her glance a couple of times over here.

"Hey Austin, play with duke, mama is gonna take a break."

"Okay." He starts to throw the ball instead of the frisbee.

I watch them play, while at the same time look at the lady. She's beautiful, blonde hair and I'm guessing blue eyes.
My gut tells me I know her, from a place or something. I'm not really sure where or how.

I was about to go say hi to her but another woman came and they hugged. Oh well.

"Hey Austin let's go okay." I say standing up.

"Mama I wonna plays some more."

"We will at the house okay?" I tell him

"Okay." He walks by me and turns around. "Let's go duke," he says disappointed.
I know how to fix this.
I stop in my tracks and he keeps walking.
I run up to him and pick him up. He starts laughing.

"Woah mama!" He laughs
I put him on my shoulders and start dancing around.

"Hope I do t embarrass you too much now." I say and duke follows.

"Never." He still laughing.

We get into the car and go home.

Hey guys! So I decided to put both pov into one character.. Merp  .-.
Tell me if y'all like it or not, or I can change back to the other way. Hope it's not confusing.
Love y'all!

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