Slytherin ties

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"Harry," Hermione said as he walked into the Gryffindor common room, his hair slightly messier than it had been and his lips slightly swollen. "Why are you wearing a Slytherin tie?"

"What? I am?" He looked down, and sure enough, he was. Crap. He wasn't ready for his friends to know that he just had sex with none other than the gorgeous Draco Malfoy. "I- uh- I..."

"Oh, Harry," Neville said. "You are not dating a Slytherin, are you?" Harry smirked at the thought. Was Draco his boyfriend? He saw Ginny gasp and burst into tears, running up to the girls' dorm.

"Harry!" Yelled Ron. "What did you do to my sister?"

"What! Nothing!"

"So," Seamus said smirking. "Who did you do it with?"

"Seamus!" Hermione said, lightly hitting him.

"I'm betting on Pansy," George said.

"Really? I'm going for Malfoy." That one was Fred. Ron scoffed.

"Harry would never date Malfoy!" He looked at Harry, and Harry looked at his feet. Ron gasped. "You're dating Malfoy!"

"Congratulations, Harry," Hermione said. "I know how long you liked him." Harry smiled, whilst Ron let out a squeak.

"What?" He said in a high pitched voice. He cleared his throat. "What?" He said at the same pitch (A/N if you get that I love you). Harry just laughed, heading up to his dorm.

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