"I know, but there is so much to do. I won't settle for any mistakes."

"I love you,"murmured Aegisthus in Clytemnestra's ear.

Clytemnestra's eyes shone and she smiled coyly. "I know you do, my dear. And I love you too. After today, I will be a single woman again."

"I'd marry you in the morning, you know that."

Clytemnestra stroked Aegisthus' face. "I'm not anxious to get married again, that has never worked out for me, but I like having a paramour." She knew he was smitten with her and would do anything she asked. He,too, had been wronged by the Curse of the House of Atreus that had devastated her life. Their first mutual interest had been revenge.

"Whatever you desire."

Clytemnestra kissed Aegisthus quickly then turned toward the door. "Until later, my love."


As she walked down the corridor and descended the stairs to the megaron throne room,Clytemnestra was anxious and excited; however, she expertly concealed her nervousness, taking deep breaths, throwing her shoulders back,and deliberately measuring her stride, after all, she was a master at hiding her feelings and portraying what the world expected from her.Clytemnestra exuded an air of confidence that she didn't feel. This was the day she had fantasized about for for so long and she could hardly believe it was here. It had to be perfect.

The servants scurried around her when Clytemnestra opened the door to the megaron and swept in. She marched over to her throne and gazed at the pair of intricately carved chairs at the end of the room before seating herself in the right hand one. She wondered if anyone would try to thwart her plans; she had done her best to get rid of Agamemnon's cronies in his absence.

"By the look of things here, I presume that you have all heard the news," said Clytemnestra. "For those of you who don't know yet, Agamemnon's ships have been spotted on the horizon. He will be home tonight after eleven long years away."

Alexander,Clytemnestra's chief advisor, coughed. He was tall and lanky, his robes hanging loosely off his body like a towel on a hook. His short cropped hair was grey, matching his eyes. His skin was pale,indicating that he rarely spent time out of doors, which was true. He could usually be found hunched over a desk in his office in the back of the palace, seeing to one of the countless tedious tasks that he took care of so well. The overall effect was of a man washed out. He had worked at the palace for a long time, long enough to have been employed by Clytemnestra's first husband.

"Is there a problem, Alexander?" asked Clytemnestra. She looked at him meaningfully, regally, challenging him to say what was on his mind,what was on everyone's mind. She didn't want to be questioned right now. She knew full well the gossip that must be raging through the palace like a bull that had got loose. Agamemnon was returning and Clytemnestra had taken up with Aegisthus, she bore his children, and even went so far as to install him as the de facto king.

"Um, no, my lady,"replied Alexander. He approached her carefully and continued in a low voice so that the palace servants couldn't hear. "But, Queen Clytemnestra, what about the arrangements you have in place for ruling the kingdom? Surely, King Agamemnon will not be pleased."

"You underestimate me, Alexander. I have the matter under control, as you well know. We have had this conversation before. And do not call him King Agamemnon in my presence ever again. He lost that right eleven years ago, as far as I am concerned."

"Yes, my lady,"replied Alexander.

"Please send Seth to me at once," commanded Clytemnestra.

"Of course, my lady," said Alexander. He turned away with a quick bow of his head.

Betrayed: The Story of ClytemnestraWhere stories live. Discover now