Cat's out of the Bag

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This is going to be a cute lil story for you all, and it's all thanks to @youtubeia23. Supernatural elements at work in this one.

Hunting was a passed down work, from parent to child. It came along as a package deal. Hunters were revered and kids were even enlisted in schools just for the possibility of becoming one. What they don't really teach you at school is how to handle yourself when you get hexed by the witch you just killed...

It never occurred to Altair that maybe asking for some help on this mission would be, you know, helpful. But now that he has a tail and a pair of silk black cat ears he kind of regrets not thinking of it sooner than the present. Oh, how Malik will be rolling on the floor in uncontrollable laughter. It's just embarrassing. He pulls his hood closer to his head as he approaches the hideout so as not to be seen.

He almost made it to his private room. Almost. Malik, whether he wants to be or not, is a devil. At least that's what Altair decides. If anyone could've caught him at such an unreasonable time it would be him. "Ah, it seems the 'master' has returned to us. Tell me, oh great 'master' what has taken you so long?"
'Keep it short and simple', he tells himself.

'Now walk away.'

"You would think such a grand hunter would be able to take care of a small witch problem yes?"

"And I did take care of it."

"And that is why you got hexed?" The words halted Altair's limbs.

"W-what are you talking about? I was never hexed or cursed."

"You're a terrible liar Altair." A tug on the extra appendage he forgot about brings heat to his face. "If you really weren't, then explain the tail." In silent defeat Altair hangs his head. "Come now novice, let's see what the witch has done." Hesitantly the sanctuary of his hood was revealed and the silky black ears twitched in uncomfortableness.

"Go on. Laugh. I know you want to." The silence that greeted him strangely irritated him. Chancing a glance to his right he saw the inquisitive look Malik gave the ears. "W-what? Quit it Mal. Just fix my damn body will you?" The soft touch to one of the ears surprised him and caused a squeak to be let out. "Don't do that!"

"Why not hmm?"


"You're such a child." He states as he again touches the ear. A flush appears on Altair's cheeks as the feeling of the soft touches courses through his body from the tip of his ear to the soles of his feet.

"S-stop it.." A chuckle is the receiving answer.

"Come on cat, let's get you back to normal."

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